This year we came with a group of 10 people. We rented three rooms. They settled us in a new building, which was built instead of last year's budget huts (the new building is ALREADY ENTIRELY cracked. Air conditioning does not work in my parents' room, as the hostess said, "why do you need air conditioning, it's not hot now" (outside 29 ° C, while I write a comment).
For some reason, there is only one door instead of two in the rooms (all three! ) on the wardrobes, it is not at all comprehensible, how is it, what is it, is it such a saving or what? )))
The floor in the shower is not leveled - the water does not drain on its own.
In one of the rooms in the double sofa right in the middle is a hollow, the size of a cosmic black hole.
Blankets in the sand. I understand that the residents who took him to the beach are to blame, but is it really difficult to wash them or at least shake them out
Part of the playground, where there used to be sand, was tiled for some reason. Now the children from the slide land on the tile booty.
Well, we are not picky, the main thing, as they say, is the company. Second day. Respecting last year's requests of the hostess, I took the multicooker out into the street, and I'm frying pancakes for the children. Svetlana Ivanovna (the hostess) caught me doing this. Creeping up from behind, she gave out: "I settled down like that normally! What kind of kitchen did I make here for myself. At least for decency, I asked if it was possible! "
Firstly, I jumped in surprise, and secondly, I was taken aback by such familiarities. I say that we have been resting here for the third year, there were no complaints before. "And before it was impossible! " (Strange, given that she herself asked us to take the multicookers outside). "There were no complaints (grimaces me). Have you been in these rooms? " - continues to retort the hostess. The class rooms are the same, what's the difference: in those or in these?
They don't have a kitchen now (they had one last year). Under the shed is one unfortunate two-burner stove and microwave. They often have to stand in line. Svetlana Ivanovna, can you remind me of the norms that must be observed when equipping a recreation center? How should the kitchen be equipped, what should it be equipped with, what should be its area, how many places for cooking for how many people? And if you still can’t cook on your own, then indicate this on all resources where your ads are.
That's not all. On the 4th day in the second room, the socket broke, which turned on the air conditioner. They called the owner's husband. He is even worse - a vile hysterical boor. He began to yell: "It was you who left, leaving the air conditioner on and the window open, the air conditioner overheated and turned off. " Three people stood by him and explained for 5 minutes that the RO-ZET-KA does not work, because we tried to connect the air conditioner through an extension cord to another outlet, it works. The peasant generally had a hysterical fit, I quote: "What are you rubbing me! ", "Do not climb into what you do not understand. " etc. My mother-in-law joined the "discussion" and said: "What is your tone? We are not asking for alms, please fix your jambs. The window was NOT open. " The hostess's husband yells: "Woman! You and I have already lived our lives! At your age, it's a shame to lie! " Fine? Here I could not stand it anymore, I say, are you all in yourself? Where were you brought up? How do you talk to a woman?? ? He freaked out and left. Two pair of boots with Svetlana Ivanovna ????
Sheer darkness! Despite my last year's positive reviews, now I STRONGLY DO NOT RECOMMEND THE RECREATION "FRIGATE". Today, the hope for at least a more or less normal vacation on the seas in Ukraine has completely died for me, thanks for this to the Fregat base in the person of its owner and her husband.

But the owners are a separate story. Having received the money, they forgot about any friendliness and two days later they informed us that our room had been booked (??? ) and offered us to move to the first floor, because it was supposedly better there... They didn’t show us where.
Because on the ground floor, all vacationers pass by the doors open due to the heat and can look into the rooms, and we didn’t want to collect and then lay out things for half a day, so we didn’t move. The hostess, who appeared on the doorstep in the morning with the question "well, why are you already on your suitcases? " strengthened our decision. To ask at least what we decided and show an alternative number, she considered it superfluous. Having informed that we cut it without a knife, she trampled on the spot and left.
After that, when we, having decided to fry a shish kebab on a local grill, bought meat in their own store, they refused to give us skewers. Although in the description of the base their provision is indicated (as well as the presence of a playground, which is not there). Say, you need to ask permission from the hostess. As a result, after a bit of a push, the seller decided that the hostess would approve. Shish kebab, by the way, was marinated with mayonnaise and ketchup - for an amateur.
The third unpleasant moment is the eviction, which takes place here at 12 noon. At 11.15, when we were still getting ready, the hostess and her daughter/daughter-in-law came to us with brooms and rags. They explained this by saying that new tenants were already waiting downstairs and “they shouldn’t wait until 12” (the money will go away, but they have already taken it from us). They asked to lower the mattress that we were given for the child. And then they began to scold us that it was dirty in the block, and we dared to throw paper into the toilet. “Are you doing this at home too? ” they asked indignantly. Yes, we do this everywhere)) Especially if we were not warned that it was impossible to do this here.
In general, the motto of local owners - the main thing is to take the money. And then you can move, be rude and sweep with brooms at the time you paid. Neither I nor my friends (my friends and I have many) will not come here. I hope that other inhabitants of this hospitable paradise will take care of the same.