If you respect yourself

Written: 1 july 2009
Travel time: 27 — 29 june 2009
Your rating of this hotel:
from 10
Hotel ratings by criteria:
Rooms: 2.0
Service: 2.0
Cleanliness: 1.0
Food: 2.0
Amenities: 2.0
Dear tourists! If you respect yourself, do not stay at the Tokyo Star Hotel for any money! This is not a hotel at all, but some kind of already shabby rooming house (despite the fact that it is not even officially open yet). The definition of "home" is also suitable for it dates". Judge for yourself: everywhere in the city there are advertisements (by the way, on trash cans! ) of the following content: "You have nowhere to retire? " Tokyo Star "offers 2 hours for....UAH". Another fact: the hotel is a converted tram depot (see my photos). They made a second floor in it and divided it with plasterboard partitions into cells with an area of ​ ​ ​ ​.6-9 sq. m. , single even without a window! Bed (or rather, a mattress on legs ) is placed close between two opposite walls (this is a plus - you will never fall from it! ) At the head there is a dirty blank window, at the feet - half a meter (you can’t even squeeze any travel bag there). The bathroom, by the way, is not separated, let alone door, and even a curtain. Sorry for the details, but all sounds, as well as all smells, spread throughout the so-called. "number"... You still have to manage to wash your face, brush your teeth, shave over a miniature sink. There is neither a closet for things, but only one single hook for all your clothes for two. By the way, the towel is also one and only - a large bathhouse for two (we had to be smart - we used men's handkerchiefs as face towels). BUT, compared to other tourists from our excursion group, my husband and I were VERY LUCKY - we had not only hot, but also cold water - that's one! We had a drain in the toilet - that's two! We had ventilation - that's three! We even had a working TV - that's four! And most importantly - we were able (with great effort, really) to close all this eyes and try so that the unforgettable "Tokyo Star" does not spoil our impression of visiting the beautiful Odessa!
Therefore, as the famous song says "Think for yourself, decide for yourself........ "
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