Sanatorium "Dniester"

Written: 11 november 2011
Travel time: 4 — 18 september 2011
Your rating of this hotel:
from 10
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Rested with a friend in September 2011, the weather is super, the nature is very, very beautiful, and the air is clean, we drank mineral water to the sounds of a brass band and shouted "Garna Ukraine", very good treatment, food is normal, very dietary with a large amount of write without starving, we lost weight for 3 kg in 2 weeks, very good excursions, though mostly in Ukrainian. We lived in an economy room. this, of course, I don’t want to remember it’s not cozy, damp, cold, that is, these are rooms without even cosmetic repairs, I don’t advise these rooms, order in advance in better rooms. And the staff is very helpful, but the main thing is the mood.
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