hotel review

Written: 30 december 2012
Travel time: 21 — 23 december 2012
Your rating of this hotel:
from 10
Hotel ratings by criteria:
Rooms: 4.0
Service: 4.0
Cleanliness: 5.0
Food: 4.0
Amenities: 4.0
Were in Lviv, stayed at this hotel. On a 5-point scale - C grade. Disadvantages: 1. Inconsistency of price and quality; 2. In the room on the double bed there was a very sagging mattress (the owners could have changed it a long time ago, given the cost of the rooms); 3. The staff is mostly unfriendly; 4. The audibility of what is happening in other rooms is just crazy (you can hear the neighbors walking around the room and talking); 5. About the trams under the windows in one of the previous reviews, it’s true (if you want to sleep, then plan to go to bed so that you wake up at about 7, as the trams will start moving in the city, and the building will shake a little from this); 6. Breakfasts at the hotel are very bad (even eggs can really be fried every other time, I generally keep quiet about stale cheese). In general, the conclusion is that the hotel is a complete disadvantage, it is better to stay in hostels. But all the shortcomings of the hotel did not spoil our impressions of the ancient, stunning beauty and charisma of the city.
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