Pansionat Arkada 1*– Reviews

Rating 5.710
based on
3 reviews
4.0 Rooms
7.0 Service
5.0 Cleanliness
6.5 Food
6.0 Amenities
The private boarding house "Arcade" is located in an ecologically clean picturesque corner of the Azov Sea in the village of Kirillovka, on the territory of the famous balneo-mud sanatorium "Kirillovka". The sanatorium "Kirillovka" provides an opportunity to undergo various therapeutic and preventive procedures (massage, therapeutic mud, baths, etc.). The boarding house consists of one building with "economy" rooms (view and access to the sea) and a building with one-room and two-room luxury rooms (view and access to the courtyard). All buildings are single storey.More →
 •  traveled 5 years ago
Rating 7.0
Initially, we planned to rest in Koblevo, but since the plans changed a little, we decided to go to rest in this boarding house. Found it on the Internet. To say that it's really bad here is not true. It's normal enough here. Not a foreign holiday, but if you go to improve your health at sea, it’s good enough. … More ▾ Initially, we planned to rest in Koblevo, but since the plans changed a little, we decided to go to rest in this boarding house. Found it on the Internet. To say that it's really bad here is not true. It's normal enough here. Not a foreign holiday, but if you go to improve your health at sea, it’s good enough. This is my second year in a row staying here with people I know who are very nice. The location is very good - everything is within walking distance. This is a good family-run guest house.
аватар oksana1970
 •  traveled 10 years ago
Rating 3.0
The rooms in the boarding house are terrible, the mattresses on the beds are simply unbearable, in the morning all the sides hurt, the springs dig into the body, just guard. The smell in the rooms is musty, it stinks of sewage, the taps are leaking, the drain tank in the toilet is constantly breaking. They give a kettle for use, it stinks of plastic. … More ▾ The rooms in the boarding house are terrible, the mattresses on the beds are simply unbearable, in the morning all the sides hurt, the springs dig into the body, just guard. The smell in the rooms is musty, it stinks of sewage, the taps are leaking, the drain tank in the toilet is constantly breaking. They give a kettle for use, it stinks of plastic. Fu-fu-fu impression. No more foot in there. The prices are very high, the suites are not even up to standard. For children, entertainment is promised (fishing, children's cars), there is nothing of the sort. I don’t recommend anyone to go there even for free.
аватар nvs_ukr
 •  traveled 10 years ago
Rating 7.0
Found on the Internet, the reality turned out to be even somewhat better: The hosts are very friendly people, they try to quickly resolve all issues. Thank you again for the great vacation! Normal food: no special frills, but everything is tasty and most importantly - fresh. There is a complex food, there is a cafe on the territory, where the choice of dishes is more at an affordable price. … More ▾ Found on the Internet, the reality turned out to be even somewhat better:
The hosts are very friendly people, they try to quickly resolve all issues. Thank you again for the great vacation!
Normal food: no special frills, but everything is tasty and most importantly - fresh. There is a complex food, there is a cafe on the territory, where the choice of dishes is more at an affordable price.
The rooms are standard (refrigerator, air conditioning, TV), the water is normal for Kirillovka, it was constantly hot. Plus rooms - a private terrace overlooking the courtyard in each room. I would also like a shower, at least the simplest in the bathroom.
The territory is a feature of the boarding house. Closed territory, many flowers, children's pool, gazebos, there is a shade. . .
The sea is practically nearby - 200 meters to the beach of the resort. There are enough shops in the area. Dolphinarium and water park - 20 minutes walk.
Уютный внутренний дворик Дельфинарий Еще один ракурс дворика в Утренний пляж возле пансионата

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Dolphinarium Oscar
Rating 10.0
Ukraine, Kyrylivka
Entertainment, Story

Частный пансионат "Аркада" расположен в экологическом чистом живописном уголке Азовского моря в пгт.Кирилловка, на территории знаменитого бальнеогрязевого санатория "Кирилловка". Санаторий «Кирилловка» предоставляет возможность проходить различные лечебные и профилактические процедуры (массаж, лечебные грязи, ванны и др.).

Пансионат состоит из одного корпуса с "эконом" номерами (вид и выход на море) и корпуса с однокомнатными и двухкомнатными номерами класса "люкс" (вид и выход во внутренний двор).

Все корпуса одноэтажные.

Description of the beach На расстоянии 70 метров от пансионата, песчаный, пологий берег. На пляже киоски, бары, детские горки и игровые площадки, в 100 метрах от пляжа спасательная станция и медпункт. В 3-х минутах ходьбы пляж санатория "Кирилловка".
In a hotel

Бассейн; Интернет wi-fi; Охраняемая автостоянка; Шезлонги; Зонты; Для детей: аниматор, аттракцион "Ловись, рыбка", веломобили, прогулочные коляски.

  • restaurant
  • cafe/bar
  • open pool
  • parking  FREE 
  • free wi-fi
Entertainment and sports
Description of rooms

Номера эконом-класса - 2-х и 3-х местные номера. На веранде с видом на море установлены столики для каждого номера.

Номера Люкс: однокомнатные 2-х местные номера с отдельной верандой и двухкомнатные 3-х и 4-х местные номера с отдельной верандой.

In the rooms

Номера эконом-класса: канапе 2-х спальное или раздельные кровати с ортопедическими матрацами, шифоньер, столик, тумбочка, настольная лампа, все удобства в корпусе (из расчета 4 номера на блок), телевизор в вестибюле (спутниковая антенна), холодильники и чайники в вестибюле.

Номера Люкс: мебель, телевизор со спутниковой антенной, душ, туалет, умывальник, кондиционер, фен, необходимый набор посуды, пляжное покрывало и пляжный зонт, веранда, холодильник, чайник, сушка для белья

The address 72563, Украина Запорожская область, Акимовский район, пгт. Кирилловка, ул. Санаторная
Phones: +38(097)715-67-07 +38(066)854-30-12 (057)755-07-65
Website: Pansionat Arkada