Park KHostel Kiev 1*– Reviews

Rating 5.510
based on
2 reviews
6.0 Rooms
6.0 Service
6.0 Cleanliness
3.5 Food
6.5 Amenities
The hostel is located in a quiet courtyard near Goloseevsky Rylsky Park.More →
аватар volkova47
 •  traveled 11 years ago
Rating 3.0
We were at the hotel at the beginning of November. We stayed only because we were very tired and did not know the city, and it was night outside. The administrator girl met us. I personally did not notice the friendliness. when she brought the heater into the room for us, I was shocked by her pajama outfit and panties from under it. … More ▾ We were at the hotel at the beginning of November. We stayed only because we were very tired and did not know the city, and it was night outside. The administrator girl met us. I personally did not notice the friendliness. when she brought the heater into the room for us, I was shocked by her pajama outfit and panties from under it. ! So I went later. Yes, she hasn’t given us the key to the locker and to the parking lot yet. And in general, it would be possible to tell what they have and where to be, otherwise you wander around looking for everything, like a blind kitten, and we didn’t feel all of their described “super conditions”. In general the service is zero. I was pleased with the clean bed and hot water. And the toilet must be kept clean for such and such money.
аватар yarmolyuk
 •  traveled 12 years ago
Rating 8.0
Thank you very much! To all the staff for hospitality, excellent attitude and service! "Park Hostel Kiev" is a wonderful hostel, it's very cozy here, beautiful design and wonderful people! Thanks to Kiev, a city of extraordinary beauty, good-natured people! The photo of the hotel on the website is true and … More ▾ Thank you very much! To all the staff for hospitality, excellent attitude and service! "Park Hostel Kiev" is a wonderful hostel, it's very cozy here, beautiful design and wonderful people! Thanks to Kiev, a city of extraordinary beauty, good-natured people! The photo of the hotel on the website is true and it pleases!
аватар Oleynik_natasha
 •  traveled 13 years ago
We were very pleased to stay in this wonderful hostel! The wonderful interior and the friendliness of the staff pleasantly surprised us! We will definitely come to you and consult with friends! ! ! ! ! … More ▾ We were very pleased to stay in this wonderful hostel! The wonderful interior and the friendliness of the staff pleasantly surprised us! We will definitely come to you and consult with friends! ! ! ! !

avatar kotolup
Economy price per day?
10 years ago  •  1 subscriber 1 answer
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Хостел находится в тихом дворе возле Голосеевского парка им.Рыльского.

Location 5 мин пешком до станции метро «Голосеевская», 15 минут езды от Крещатика на общественном транспорте или на машине, 2 минуты пешком от ближайших продуктовых магазинов, кафе, почтового отделения, магазинов, обмена валют, парикмахерской, аптеки.
In a hotel

Холодильник, микроволновая печь, кофе, чай, хранение багажа после выселения, утюг, фен, настольные игры, парковка автомобиля и автобуса, автономная система теплоснабжения, холодная и горячая вода круглосуточно. В хостеле запрещено курить. Платно: стиральная машина, заказ билетов в театр, оперу, на балет и концерт, трансфер в/из международного аэропорта "Борисполь".

  • parking  FREE 
  • laundry
For kids Дети до 6 лет в сопровождении взрослых, оплачивающих полную стоимость проживания, размещаются в номере бесплатно.
Description of rooms

14 номеров: 1 Четырехместный эконом, 1 Четырехместный стандарт, 1 Шестиместный стандарт, 3 Четырехместных улучшенных, 1 Двухместный со своим санузлом, 2 Двухместных стандарта, 1 Двухместный эконом, 1 Одноместный эконом, 1 Трехместный стандарт.

In the rooms

Личный шкаф с ключом, WiFi.

The address 03040, г.Киев, пер. Задорожный, д. 5, корпус 2
Phones: +38 (044) 383-20-81
+38 (044) 257-20-80