Grand Admiral Club 3*– Reviews

Rating 3.010
based on
1 reviews
2.0 Rooms
2.0 Service
2.0 Cleanliness
3.0 Food
3.0 Amenities
Country complex Grand Admiral Club is located in a pine forest, in a closed and guarded area.More →
аватар Tav1967
 •  traveled 3 years ago
Rating 3.0
Visited this club with family. Booked a house. Check-in at 14:00, check-out at 12:00. They count it as a day, not taking into account the fact that a day is 24 hours, not 22. There was only one set of bed linen, although the entire administration knew that 5 adults and 1 child would live in the house and obviously we would not fit on one bed. … More ▾ Visited this club with family. Booked a house. Check-in at 14:00, check-out at 12:00. They count it as a day, not taking into account the fact that a day is 24 hours, not 22. There was only one set of bed linen, although the entire administration knew that 5 adults and 1 child would live in the house and obviously we would not fit on one bed. I had to disturb the reception and order an extra set of bed linen. They laid out a folding green sofa, and it is in a terrible technical condition. Not a night, but continuous tests. And this is for 9000 UAH.
The promised free Wi-Fi is not available. I had to top up my mobile phone so that there was an Internet mobile operator and communication with the outside world. After a light "free" breakfast, we came to the "free" pool area. There is a crowd of attendants, no one greets. We looked at the monitor and said that we still have to pay 1200 hryvnia for a SPA that we did not visit. Prices in the restaurant, well, just tin, that's putting it mildly. Prices do not correspond to the level of services at all. I do not advise you not to waste precious time, well, a lot of money !! ! Have a good rest, but in other clubs!

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‹ Hotel Grand Admiral Club 3*

Загородный комплекс Grand Admiral Club располагается в сосновом лесу, на закрытой и охраняемой территории.

Location В 15 км от Киева. Гостомельское направление.
In a hotel

Прогулки на велосипедах и веломобилях, квадроциклы, аэрохоккей, конные прогулки, крокет, городки и боча, большие уличные шахматы, теннис и бадминтон, пинг-понг, футбол и баскетбол, пейнтбол, боулинг и бильярд, рыбалка, 3 открытых бассейна. Зимой работает «Зимний центр развлечений», который состоит из катка и двух горок: «Адреналин» и снежной. VIP-кинозал, ресторан с различными видами меню.

Description of rooms

Гостиница европейского типа, коттеджный городок в альпийском стиле и отдельно стоящие деревянные коттеджи. 71 номер различных категорий – от «стандарта» до «люкса» – размещение до 190 гостей.

The address г. Ирпень, ул. Советская, 116
Phones: +380 (44) 393-33-57 +380 (67) 219-41-49