Good hotel, I really liked it. Especially the wonderful hostess! Everything is great!!

Written: 21 june 2019
Travel time: 8 — 14 june 2019
Who does the author recommend the hotel to?: For families with children
Your rating of this hotel:
from 10
Hotel ratings by criteria:
Rooms: 10.0
Service: 10.0
Cleanliness: 10.0
Amenities: 10.0
Chose the hotel through the Internet, and never regretted it. We were met and taken to the hotel, as promised, and even when leaving, they were taken to the place of the minibus. The rest was chosen spontaneously because of the tournament with my son in Odessa, as we came from Kyiv to the tournament in Odessa and decided to stay for a swim for 6 days. Rest just turned out to be magical, quiet, calm, no fuss. Who is going to have fun this place is not suitable, it is a quiet family. There are many playgrounds for children on the beach and the beach itself is very large and wide. Satisfied with the room, clean and tidy. Larisa is a wonderful woman, seeing that I arrived on the lung, even issued a beach umbrella. I have no bad complaints and bad impressions about this hotel. I liked everything! The hostess shows good care and there is nothing to reproach her with. Will definitely come back to this hotel! Thank you very much for the good time with you! Julia and son Kostya.
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