Vacationers never interfere. It seems that there are very few people. Although the rooms were almost all occupied. You can eat fruit on the table while the children have fun. Dishes are prepared fairly quickly - did not wait long. Tasted lagman, pilaf-high ball.
The pilaf of the sons was an adult portion and was highly praised, although food should always be forced. Mantle for an amateur. Dogwood juice. I tasted coffee with condensed milk, I recommend it!
This hotel was chosen because it is the business of the Crimean Tatars - in cases where you have encountered the people of the Kremlin, it is always a high level of human relations and culture. Going here you do not soar with honesty and possible discomfort - will come to the rescue. We left at 2 am - no problems, taxi drivers in Genichesk are often lazy to work at night - the hotel administrator recommended a proven taxi driver - the level is high.
Beautiful greenery with frequent watering creates a cozy mood. You can dry things in dryers - for some reason they were always free. People stupidly do not ask where to dry things, and then ache. The iron is also in the mix area. In-room gels, shampoos are available. Do not take from home. There were no teaspoons taken to the restaurant without any problems.
Well, if you book the item "Outdoor baths" - then be prepared to provide them, or remove while you have not completed this option - can be annoying.