Ostrech 1*– Reviews

Rating 6.410
based on
12 reviews
№3 in the hotel rating Chernigiv
6.8 Rooms
6.5 Service
7.7 Cleanliness
7.2 Food
6.7 Amenities
Sanatorium "Ostrech" is a health-improving complex of Chernihiv region. Located in a pine forest, on the shore of the lake.More →
аватар elenanehoda777
 •  traveled 4 years ago
Rating 2.0
The room was not cleaned, it was not cleaned during the day. There is no toilet paper, the food is tasteless and the portions are very small. They asked the director to give paper, she said that they are not obliged to give paper. She said that the room is dirty, says nothing, they will clean it tomorrow. … More ▾ The room was not cleaned, it was not cleaned during the day. There is no toilet paper, the food is tasteless and the portions are very small. They asked the director to give paper, she said that they are not obliged to give paper. She said that the room is dirty, says nothing, they will clean it tomorrow. And why is the salad on a common plate and everyone should take it with their own fork, she answered that they have it and will continue to do so, and the coronavirus does not bother her. There is no paper in the toilets, not even soap. The boss reduced everyone, the maid physically cannot clean so many rooms. The staff is very good, they try very hard.
аватар ksu2508
This is not a sanatorium 1. no sister diet. in the dining room common table at least one of the areas of the sanatorium indicated Diseases of the digestive system! ? 2. Where to measure pressure? there is no nursing post 3. Massage. How to get to the massage procedure! ? There is a mess in everything 4. There is nothing for children - there is no playground or anything 5. … More ▾ This is not a sanatorium
1. no sister diet. in the dining room common table at least one of the areas of the sanatorium indicated Diseases of the digestive system! ?
2. Where to measure pressure? there is no nursing post
3. Massage. How to get to the massage procedure! ? There is a mess in everything
4. There is nothing for children - there is no playground or anything
5. There is no pharmacy
6. There are no sour-milk products in the dining room
I understand that cheap (relatively). . Either transfer this institution to a rest home or something else, or if it is a sanatorium, it must meet this category.

left a review on the site of the sanatorium - deleted! )))
аватар kuzmenko2
 •  traveled 14 years ago
Rating 8.0
Thanks to all the health workers. I have been to some sanatoriums and have great memories of this. Do not compare with Kharkov. Khmilnik. Poltava where I have been. We were 3 times in Ostrich … More ▾ Thanks to all the health workers. I have been to some sanatoriums and have great memories of this. Do not compare with Kharkov. Khmilnik. Poltava where I have been. We were 3 times in Ostrich
аватар Orllena
 •  traveled 14 years ago
Rating 7.0
Traveled with a friend in July 2011. We arrived from Kyiv, we wanted peace and quiet after the metropolis. I really liked the nature, the wonderful lake and the beach. It’s just bad that the locals are relaxing on the same beach and, as a rule, in a state of intoxication. . . Wonderful staff, they go out of their way to accommodate any request. … More ▾ Traveled with a friend in July 2011. We arrived from Kyiv, we wanted peace and quiet after the metropolis. I really liked the nature, the wonderful lake and the beach. It’s just bad that the locals are relaxing on the same beach and, as a rule, in a state of intoxication. . . Wonderful staff, they go out of their way to accommodate any request. The doctor Anatoly Alexandrovich is very attentive, you will not regret going to him. In the dining room they fed, as in any public catering, with varying success, when there were not many people, everything was not bad, with a large influx, the waitresses did not always have time to serve on time, but this is all nonsense. The main treatment was received in full and most importantly, no one had to pay extra!! ! Agree, now it is a rarity. The only downside is it's a waste of time. There is a tiny shop in which there is nothing but sweets, water, juices and ice cream, films are played in the evening, but it was impossible to be in the hall in the summer. Excursions are organized on weekends in three directions. But the guide is very lethargic, we went to Novgorod-Siversky, she slept all the way there and back. In general, a good rest for those who want to heal, breathe fresh air and gain strength. There is clearly nothing for those who want to have fun there.
аватар test3000
 •  traveled 15 years ago
Rating 7.0
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Вот такой март! Вьезд в санаторий 14.03.10 мороз и солнце...и озеро. середина марта 2010г
аватар irina_markina
 •  traveled 15 years ago
Rating 7.0
if you want not expensive just to relax and heal, this is what you need. … More ▾ if you want not expensive just to relax and heal, this is what you need.
закат возле озера природа - чудо озеро возле озера есть и березы зкскурсия в новгород-северский озеро прогулка
аватар irina_markina
 •  traveled 15 years ago
Rating 7.0
rested in a sanatorium. just class! if you just want to relax. heal. sleep, you will get to where you need to go. and the people are good. both vacationers and employees. thanks for the rest! … More ▾ rested in a sanatorium. just class! if you just want to relax. heal. sleep, you will get to where you need to go. and the people are good. both vacationers and employees. thanks for the rest!
домик для отдыха вид с окна номера санаторий озеро
аватар Malvina33
 •  traveled 16 years ago
Rating 8.0
In the sanatorium OstrEch (the emphasis is on E, this is important, because by the wrong pronunciation Mensk taxi drivers recognize non-residents, and tear at exorbitant prices for a 5-kilometer trip), we went together with my mother, rested and recharged for the whole next year. In the spring, the Ostrech sanatorium is not too crowded, so the attention of the staff is ensured. … More ▾ In the sanatorium OstrEch (the emphasis is on E, this is important, because by the wrong pronunciation Mensk taxi drivers recognize non-residents, and tear at exorbitant prices for a 5-kilometer trip), we went together with my mother, rested and recharged for the whole next year. In the spring, the Ostrech sanatorium is not too crowded, so the attention of the staff is ensured. There are many procedures of various profiles for you to choose from: for the musculoskeletal system, the gastrointestinal tract, gynecology (the gynecologist, dermatologist and ophthalmologist are highly praised), ENT organs. The treatment of children with various visual impairments is especially appreciated. I liked the Ostrechskaya mineral water, which is served in the pump room of the sanatorium around the clock: without much aftertaste, it is easy to drink, and soon you begin to feel how the water cleanses the kidneys. Shown in both low and high acidity. But most of all, I probably liked the exercise therapy classes: a well-equipped gym and an experienced instructor turned physical education that I hated into pleasure. Mom liked hydrocolonotherapy - washing the intestines with mineral water - she lost 5 kilograms at once, she felt cheerful and light. And the view from the window to the lake was just mesmerizing.
They fed well. We ate and there was more. The head physician personally monitored whether the vacationers were satisfied with the food. They served different dishes. Most often fish or cottage cheese dishes. The menu also included dumplings, dumplings, cabbage rolls and even pizza.
But most of all I liked nature. Clean spring lake, pine forest and - excitedly - bird chirping!
We were satisfied with the trip, if there is an opportunity to go another time, I will agree without hesitation.
санаторий над озером Лесное озеро Вид из окна Рай среди берёз инструктор ЛФК в тренажерном зале Беседка над водой
аватар ssswog
 •  traveled 16 years ago
Rating 8.0
Beautiful nature, unforgettable atmosphere, water and air, and most importantly - a kind of peace between the birches - it not only improves health, but also charges the "spiritual batteries" for a few months. Of course, these are not five Turkish stars, but they are compensated by the human sensitivity of the staff. … More ▾ Beautiful nature, unforgettable atmosphere, water and air, and most importantly - a kind of peace between the birches - it not only improves health, but also charges the "spiritual batteries" for a few months. Of course, these are not five Turkish stars, but they are compensated by the human sensitivity of the staff. Thanks! Here it is not necessary to give for everything "on a paw" - as in Truskavets. Go there now because there are few tourists there at this time.
аватар test3000
 •  traveled 16 years ago
Rating 8.0
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Озеро март 2009 вид на санаторий с озера Ароматерапия Жемчужная ванна март 2009 вид на озеро с корпуса Ингаляции с подорожником Кислородная пенка
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Ostrechinsky sanatorium
16 years ago  •  1 subscriber 1 answer
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Санаторий "Остреч" – оздоровительный комплекс Черниговщины. Находится в сосновом лесу, на берегу озера.

In a hotel

В санатории проводится лечение следующих заболеваний:
1. Заболевание сердечно-сосудистой системы:
•хроническая ишемическая болезнь сердца: атеросклероз коронарных сосудов с жидкими не тяжелыми нападениями стенокардии, кардиосклероз атеросклеротический и постинфарктный без нарушения сердечного ритма и при недостаточности кровообращения не выше I - II ст.;
•гипертоническая болезнь I - II ст. без тяжелых сосудистых кризисов;
•гипотоническая болезнь;
•ревматизм с минимальной активностью при недостаточности кровообращения не выше I ст.;
•состояние после перенесенного инфекционно-аллергического миокардита;
•неврозы с подавляющими нарушениями функции сердечно-сосудистой системы.
2. Заболевание органов дыхания нетуберкулезного характера: хронические бронхиты, ларингиты, тонзиллиты, остаточные явления после перенесенных пневмоний, бронхиальная астма легкой и средней степени тяжести в стадии ремиссии из легочно-сердечной недостаточностью не выше I ст.
3. Гинекологические заболевания. Хронические воспалительные процессы женских половых органов: кольпиты, андекситы, ендометриты, бесплодие в результате воспалительных процессов матки и придатков.
4. Офтальмологические заболевания: близорукость, дальнозоркость, слабость аккомодации, косоглазие, амблиопия, астигматизм, воспалительные заболевания век и коньюктивиты.
5. Заболевание органов сопротивления и движения: полиартриты, остеохондрозы, состояния после переломов костей, нарушения осанки, радикулиты, артрозы.
6. Заболевание нервной системы с умеренно выраженными невротичными симптомами.
7. Заболевание органов пищеварения.

The address урочище Остреч 4, г. Мена, Черниговская область, Украина
Phones: Тел.: (096) 322-00-00 ?– бронирование номеров Тел./факс: (04644) 2-14-00
Email: sanostrech@ukr.net
Website: Ostrech