Written: 11 july 2014
Travel time: 15 june 2014
Your rating of this hotel:
from 10
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This is the most terrible place I have ever been to, and they write the truth that the pictures are far from reality, and obviously they were made a very long time ago, they booked a hotel by phone, and when I asked if I could be sure that it was worth booking, they answered yes of course, but fill out the form on the site and wait for confirmation, I filled out the form, but I didn’t wait for confirmation for two hours, we drove like that, with my husband and child, we arrived, an incomprehensible person came out, without greeting or introducing himself, said that the entrance was from the other side , asked for confirmation, to which I explained the situation, that I filled out the form but did not wait for confirmation, we silently followed him to the so-called "reception", he asked for our passports, like he did a favor, found us a number, for which my husband asked show him the number and the most important thing here is that the person raises his head and says: "In short, there are no rooms available for you, " I was in such a shock for the first time, it's not that a boor is just an outright redneck...... So I don’t recommend this place at all, spoil your mood either at the beginning of your vacation, as it happened with us, or after it)))))
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