Not a bad hotel for both adults and children

Written: 20 july 2024
Travel time: 8 — 21 june 2024
Who does the author recommend the hotel to?: For a relaxing holiday; For families with children
Your rating of this hotel:
from 10
Hotel ratings by criteria:
Rooms: 8.0
Service: 9.0
Cleanliness: 8.0
Food: 6.0
Amenities: 6.0
We rested in this hotel from 9.06 to 23.06. 24. Number 303.
Renovated. Soft beds, sofa. New furniture. Large balcony. Good sound insulation. Odd numbers are on the corners, even numbers are in the middle of the floor. There are 4 rooms on the floor.
Wide – 5 rows of umbrellas, 12 in a row, i. e. enough for all hotel guests. The downside is that sun loungers and mattresses are included in the tour price, but you need to bring your own towels. A very good and helpful whip boy. I don’t remember his name - he looks like an Indian for 25-30 years.
Transfer to the beach in a bus with 15 seats. The driver, about 50 years old and wearing glasses, is very friendly. When you are late for a flight, he even stops on the other side of the road from the hotel and waits for those who are late. Once at 18-15 (the last flight from the beach to the hotel) there were a lot of people and they couldn’t even fit on the bus standing. The driver made an extra trip to take them to the hotel.

Bus schedule to the beach: 8-30.9-00.10-00.11-00.12-00.15-00.16-00.18-00. Back in 15 minutes.
Quite varied. Every meal was watermelon and cantaloupe. Sometimes cherries and apricots. A large selection of pickles, stewed and grilled vegetables, chicken and beef, usually in 2-3 types. Fried fish every 2-3 days. Several side dishes. There is one type of soup for lunch and dinner.
Every day there was a variety of dishes, although there were fries for breakfast, lunch and dinner. The restaurant has special low tables for children.
Strong: rakia, gin, vodka, rum. Good red wine and Efes beer. 4 types of cocktails were offered - did not try.
Very friendly. Especially Tatyana at the reception.
She's gone. That is, in the evening there is a show with invited artists (low level), and then from 22-00 to 23-00 tourists just sit near the restaurant and drink (bars are open 10-00... 23-00).
Germans, Russian speakers, Kazakhs, Czechs.
Pros of the hotel
1. Friendly staff
2. Renovated rooms with good sound insulation.
Free Wi-Fi in the courtyard around the reception and in part of the restaurant.
4. Wide beach.
5. Close (10-15 min. walk) to both large shops (A-101, Migros, Carefour, LC Waikiki, etc. ) and the ruins of ancient Side.
Cons of the hotel
1. The smell of sewage in the bathroom, because there is no hood, I had to keep the window open all the time.
2. The door to the balcony did not lock.
3. An open restaurant without air conditioning – it’s hot in there during the day.
4. There is either boiling water or cold water in the shower - it’s impossible to set the normal temperature.
5. There is no security at the entrance to the hotel.
In general, the hotel makes a good impression - it is a solid 3* for not overly discerning tourists. But if you are used to relaxing in Sunrise, Hilton, Rixos and other truly 5* hotels, this is not the place for you.
Translated automatically from Russian. View original
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