Side. Ride around and around.

05 July 2017 Travel time: with 21 June 2017 on 03 July 2017
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I don't like to sit still for a long time. Scheme: room-beach-restaurant-pool - this is not for me. And chosen for this swimming season, like last year, the concept of "all inclusive" meant passive recreation. Therefore, thoughts about car rental were born during an April trip to a hotel on Lake Titreyengol:

And so, going with my family on a summer vacation to Turkey, I began to read someone else's experience of renting a car, to study interesting and, most importantly, affordable places for traveling with children. Using car rental in Greece and Italy, having driven independently from home to Venice through half of Europe, namely, Turkey remained for me the country where I had been many times, but I did not dare to use the car because of local driving habits. And the accident I saw with a car overturning through the roof ten meters away from me back in 2007 left a bad “notch”. But, as they say, the eyes are afraid, but the hands do!

As a place to stay during this trip, we chose the Novapark hotel, located in the village of Kumkö y, a review of which is here:

To rent a car, we turned to a travel agency next to the hotel. The price of 35 euros for a “shabby” passenger sedan seemed too big, especially since the agency employee offered a Suzuki Samurai mini SUV with an opening roof in “normal condition” a day later at a price of 45 euros / day. This tempting offer ultimately influenced our choice, but in the end played a cruel joke. Firstly, the car was outwardly more or less “normal”, but the technical component that manifested itself while driving was completely disappointing. Steering wheel play, difficult to engage 2nd gear and reverse gear. Secondly, an open car without air conditioning in a forty-degree heat turned out to be the worst choice for all our previous rentals. At the request to replace, the agency only shrugged: there are no other cars for the next few days! Anyway! Where ours did not disappear! We stocked up on water, hung open areas with beach towels and hit the road.

We need much more water in this heat

First of all, I wanted to visit the Manavgat waterfall, especially since it is on the way to the Oymapinar dam - Green Canyon. The waterfall is, of course, too loud for such a place, the threshold is more suitable. But, nevertheless, in the surrounding dry natural landscapes it looks not bad. And taking a dip after the unbearable heat in the car, despite the very cold water, was great.

We didn't linger at the waterfall for a long time, and went to the Green Canyon. Green Canyon is a large reservoir located in the Taurus Mountains, at a low altitude of 350 meters above sea level. Distance from Side is about 25 km.

Green Canyon

The reservoir was formed after the construction of a dam in the 50s of the 20th century by specialists from the USSR. When it was filled, several villages were flooded.

The last boat on the Green Canyon sailed away without us

In the summer, tourists are taken on a boat ride along this reservoir, and the guides show the roofs of the houses that stood in these villages.

It is impossible to climb the dam itself - a strategic object. Everything is fenced and limited by prohibition signs. Near the tunnel there is a hole in the rock, passing through which, and climbing the steep section inside, you will have a view from above on the water surface.

"Secret passage"

The section of the river after this dam before flowing into the sea is known as Manavgat.

The depth of the reservoir is about 100 meters. Water flows here from many natural sources, which constantly replenish it.

Green Canyon is a very beautiful place for tourists to relax. Turquoise water, lush vegetation and surrounding mountains create a stunning scenery. Here you can ride a boat, go fishing or just admire the beauty of the canyon. Unfortunately, we arrived after dinner and the boat trips had already ended, we sadly saw off the last boat.

The dam from the river

The road to the canyon passes through small settlements, small olive plantations. As many guidebooks write, the reservoir is always quite cool. But we did not feel it, perhaps the fault was a very hot day. Entrance to the territory of the Green Canyon is paid, we paid $ 1 per car.

At the entrance you will see another architectural monument of ancient times.

Aqueduct at the entrance to Green Canyon

Seleukia was another place we marked to visit. A certain analogy of the famous Angkor, only little promoted.

This ancient city was founded by the people of Side in 330 BC to hide from pirates. It is located high on a hill, and thanks to the steep slopes, this place is naturally protected. Seleukia was surrounded by high walls with a single gate.

The remains of the city are well preserved to this day.

To get to Seleukia either as part of an excursion group, or on your own by car. Actually, for the sake of this place, we took an SUV. However, not everything turned out so badly with access roads. Good asphalt is laid to the site directly in front of the gates of the ancient city. So, a car is quite suitable for visiting this place.

The city on a hill is surrounded by forest, and the view from above is very beautiful.

Behind the gate you can see the ruins of the agora, and on the other side - the Byzantine chapel. Following the signs you can see the remains of the necropolis, temples. There was no one else on the territory besides us, so you could fully feel the spirit and energy of this wonderful place.

Your privacy will be broken only by the wind rustling in the crowns of trees and small representatives

Many people like the fact that traces of antiquity can be found in the most unexpected places in Turkey. Returning from Seleukia we met several interesting objects.

And, of course, where without geocaching, thanks to which we had a great walk around Rethymno last year. This time, in search of hiding places, we went along and across the ancient Side.

It was especially good in the early morning hours, when there was no sweltering heat, there were few tourists on the streets, and merchants were just opening their numerous shops.

Love life, explore the world and travel with pleasure!

Translated automatically from Russian. View original
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