Great stay at Sea World

Written: 9 august 2010
Travel time: 18 — 27 july 2010
Who does the author recommend the hotel to?: For a relaxing holiday; For families with children
Your rating of this hotel:
from 10
Hotel ratings by criteria:
Rooms: 9.0
Service: 9.0
Cleanliness: 9.0
Food: 10.0
Amenities: 9.0
Good day to everyone who is currently choosing a hotel and is tormented by the pangs of choice!
We just returned from Sea World a few days ago. The six of us rested there (two grandmothers, two mothers and two children aged 2 years) from July 18 to July 27.2010. They themselves were very worried before leaving, they caught every new review about the hotel, therefore, now I want to help all the people who are also worried about this hotel.
Most likely, my review will be more interesting to those who travel with children. And especially with kids.
I will not repeat myself, I will say right away that the hotel is quite decent. Absolutely new, during the stay in it nothing bothered and nothing irritated. Of course, he has several of his minuses - nuances, but they do not affect the quality of rest.

So, it is not scary to go there with small children. The sea is very close (we didn’t take strollers, the territory is small, and since our children walk a lot, it was easy for them to overcome distances in the hotel). The sea is clean. True, there are stones at the entrance. When they read about it before, they thought it was nonsense... But as a result, they rubbed their legs. So take your patches with you. Not a tragedy, but it can cause some inconvenience. They bathed children in their arms, so the fact that the depth starts after 4-5 meters also did not play a role. Children enjoyed playing in the sand on the shore. And when the sun came out at about 10 or early 11 o’clock, they put them in an inflatable pool under an awning. We brought the pool with us, we did not regret it at all. The children sat there for an hour - you could calmly sunbathe nearby. The beach is constantly being cleaned. Several times we saw the landing of Turkish aunts, who chose large stones from the sand on the beach. It was nice to realize that even in such trifles they think about the guests of the hotel. The people who ensure cleanliness on the beach, even in the heat of 35 degrees, were dressed in trousers and white shirts. Those. The hotel is trying to maintain the image of 5ki. There are really a lot of loungers. A couple of times our towels were stolen, which are issued on a deposit. But it was not scary either: after dinner we came, took a couple of towels that had been left by someone, there were no problems.
SETTLEMENT and PROLONGATION. I'm sorry that I'm not writing a review in the next order, the presence of a child nearby is confusing))) we arrived at the hotel at the estimated time. We hoped that this would make it possible to settle quickly. But, alas, this did not happen. While the rooms were being cleaned, the children were running around the hotel, studying it. The reception immediately handed over $20 to get 2 good rooms side by side. As a result, after 1.5 hours they handed over the keys with assurances that the rooms were good, but it turned out that they gave rooms with a view of the road. The children were left in the room, and I ran around asking to change the rooms to something else. They gave the keys a few more times, but they never gave normal numbers. I was not nervous, although I understood that the children had not slept since 3 am - they had not eaten normally, and I really wanted to take a break from the flight (By the way, the road to the hotel took 1 hour and 40 minutes, our hotel was the third on the way). Again with a smile, without scandal, she insisted on her own. As a result, I was told that $20 for 2 rooms is not enough. And that the rooms will be good only tomorrow. We agreed that for now we are settling in those that were given, and the next day other rooms will be provided. I was not shy and said that if the numbers did not suit us, then the money would have to be returned. They gave me the numbers the next day. Not great, but not bad either. You could see the sea and the pools. It suited us just fine.
But they refused to prolong the number. Although, for a day they assured that at least one number would be given. This spoiled the impression of the hotel. It would be nice if there were only adults... but we had to leave the hotel at 15.30 local time, and I wanted to at least buy the kids and give them the opportunity to sleep a little. Alas, we had to vacate the rooms at 12.00. Again, nothing terrible happened. Children and grandmothers were at sea until lunch, then we washed them in the showers at the SPA, dressed them, fed them, they still ran and slept on the bus. So, dear adults, we must be prepared for such a development of events.
MINUSES. Insignificant. For example, the lighting in the bathroom is terrible. Only 2 light bulbs watts of 20 - 30 each. Really semi-darkness. They save a lot on electricity. Plus, one more nuance: the door to the bathroom is closed with such a pipe... And if you have a small child, then he can easily press it, slam the door and stay in the bathroom alone. What happened to us. Of course, the baby was scared, crying. So, just in case, take an ordinary screwdriver with you (with a flat tip. Men, don’t laugh... I just don’t know how to call it exactly))) They brought us something like such a screwdriver, and if necessary (and this arose constantly), they themselves opened the door and freed the "hostages".

There is also no lighting in the hotel toilets. Firstly, with a dark blue backlight, and secondly, touch. Those. if you are quiet in the toilet cubicle or the child is standing and thinking whether to go to the toilet now or later, then the light immediately turns off. Then it turns on again, then turns off again. Here is such a special effect. In general, that's okay... But there's no way to fix a woman's makeup in the toilet.
Of the minuses, probably all. I won't say much about bad cleaning. She is the same as everywhere else. There is nothing to wait for the floors to be washed and the glass to be rubbed. But for me it's no big deal. I'm used to the ideal order at home, therefore, on all trips I take Pemolux, powder and rags. I don't see anything wrong with doing the cleaning myself. I arrive, wash the room and feel calm. And so... every evening I ran through the floors with a rag. By the way, in the first room, after walking on the floors, after 5 minutes they found that the legs were just black from dust. In the second, this was not the case, but the cleaning there is symbolic. You can even not leave dollars, as many have said. It doesn't affect anything.
FOOD. Excellent. A lot of everything. Of course it's the same. But everyone was full. They were especially worried about the children. But after the sea, they screwed up on both cheeks. They ate a lot of meat for some reason... ))) Waterbuzov, pastries. So, two-year-old children with a good appetite can and should be taken there. Kash was TERRIBLY lacking. My son eats them every morning. . . so the scrambled eggs and scrambled eggs weren't that great. But my stomach was stuffed with something, I was not hungry, and thank God.
Unfortunately, on the 5th day of stay at the hotel, the child caught a purulent sore throat. They themselves are to blame: they bought children in an indoor pool, and the water there is quite cold. A throat examination by a doctor in a hotel costs $60, so, just in case, carefully study everything that insurance offers you. By the way, we went from Coral Travel, and they didn’t even have a franchise. It was possible to get to the hospital, but they cured themselves, on their own.

It is impossible to call the hotel bald and ungreened. Perhaps this problem was, but at the moment it no longer exists. On the contrary, everything is green, beautiful, well-groomed, clean, beautiful. Everything pleases the eye. For example, on the way to the sea, a watermelon even grew in a hollow, the children looked at it with surprise every time. Then he disappeared... apparently, he matured))) Or someone didn’t know what to eat whiskey at night)))
The playground is in the open sun. But during the day there is practically no one on it, and in the evening there was always a party of children who jumped - climbed - ran there, and were very pleased. In the mini - club with the children are constantly engaged. We cannot judge the quality of the work of children's animators, but when we went to the mini-club, the children painted T-shirts with the emblems of the hotel (however, this pleasure cost $ 10). On the same day, the Fruit Salad Festival was held. All the children were put on little white caps, brought to the pool bar, handed out plates, forks, knives, fruits, and each created his own salad to taste. We went to our room early, but they said that the main fun began when they handed out cream for dressing children's masterpieces.
We asked the children's animators to hold a half-hour greeting in the morning for our little girl, who turned 2 years old. Were ready to pay for it. But alas, no one did anything. We were offered a standard set: congratulations at the mini-disco. But, because mini - disco started at 10 Moscow time, then our children were already asleep at that time. It was also unfortunate that they refused to help in any way. Even for money. Especially since it only took a little. But this is already a special order... which means that it does not affect the quality of rest in any way. As a result, we decorated the room with balloons, congratulated our girl in the morning, but in the evening we all went together to an a la carte restaurant, where we booked a table and a cake in advance. Candles, crackers, whistles, balls were brought by ourselves. In general, this day was not ordinary, and this is exactly what such a small child needs.
INFRASTRUCTURE for CHILDREN. We were all satisfied. In the mini - club air conditioning works, everything is in order. The room has an entrance for a flash drive - they pumped up "Masha and the Bear" and watched a couple of episodes before going to bed. The children's pool is top notch. The kids are just delighted. But for some reason ours bathed more in adults. Probably due to the fact that it was possible to jump there. I already spoke about the playground - everything is fine with it too. This side of the holiday made us happy. However, like many other things.

SPA. Alas, due to the presence of small treasures, the SPA was not visited. But the prices are great. Foam massage, peeling, mask and massage cost $70. Sauna and hammam - FREE OF CHARGE. We love to visit them very much, and in the reviews someone wrote that these services are paid. Not really. Towels are given, no one kicks out and discontent on the face was also not seen. + there is a wonderful steam room with humid air (heals bronchitis perfectly) and something like Charcot's soul.
RESULT: the hotel is quite decent, it’s not scary to go there, we had a great time, everyone is happy. Cons are minimal and insignificant. The hotel can easily be recommended for guests with and without small children. If it were not for the increase in the cost of vouchers this year, we would definitely go to Sea World again. We already miss him. All the best holiday!! ! The most unforgettable emotions!
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