My first Turkish vacation

Written: 29 june 2010
Travel time: 16 — 23 june 2010
Who does the author recommend the hotel to?: For families with children; For recreation with friends, for young people
Your rating of this hotel:
from 10
Hotel ratings by criteria:
Rooms: 7.0
Service: 9.0
Cleanliness: 8.0
Food: 9.0
Amenities: 8.0
She was in Turkey for the first time. Marmaris chose according to acquaintances. The hotel is close to the sea and affordable.
I immediately decided that the main thing for me was to swim by the sea and lie down in the sun. The place for this turned out to be what you need! !!
The hotel - as for 3 * - is suitable. Unlike most hotels on the first line - the restaurant was quiet at night. Although for the most part all the cabaret by the sea try to attract guests with a variety of loud music.
Take a tip if you like the service. And the Turks are doing everything to make you OK. Smile, for example.
you can go to the beach in Icmeler - Marmaris area, 10-15 minutes by orange route on the road behind the hotel. I liked the beach and the water there more.
About excursions, etc . : go to the hammam (Turkish bath), but do not buy this service at the hotel - save $ 20. Most tourist offices on the street have this service and they speak English or Russian.

So there will be no problems. Since my priority was swimming and felting, I only went on a field trip. Dalyan: 2 years. on a yacht - you can lie on the upper deck, swimming on the high seas, then - on boots = on the river to the Lycian tombs, then - swimming in the sea, see if you're lucky with big turtles, eat crabs, fall in the healing mud.
Don't worry if the tour doesn't have everything you were promised when you sold the trip. That was the case with me. Or worry. I did not have such a desire. By the way, I took a tour of the so-called Gosha and Pasha - turlarok behind the hotel Octant. The guys work fun and with humor. And the Turk who blah blah blah on the yacht at the end thanked everyone who was and said a big SORRI for what was not. Oh yeah))
Another conclusion is that it is worth bargaining. Not in the supermarket near the checkout, of course. But in other cases, even if you do not understand the language - the numbers will help))).
I don't think it's worth it to be impudent, but to have fun, improve your communication skills and save up to 70 (or more) percent of the starting price is real.
A few more words about the airport - they took away my folding knife, manicure set and sankrem when I came back. That's right - it's normal there, and the Turks said that it was impossible to hand in luggage and took it away. Sorry. Because it seems that I did not understand something from their conversation. It is better not to take such speeches with you, or be prepared for it.
Bring a minimum of speech and humor. Have a good rest)!
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