fabulous holiday in Marmaris

Written: 11 september 2008
Travel time: 12 — 19 august 2008
Your rating of this hotel:
from 10
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Rested with friends from 21.08 to 28.08. 2008. We have the most wonderful memories. A very intelligent hotel. 80% foreigners. We, Russian speakers, thank God, are few. Therefore, the atmosphere is quite European. It is better to know English here, at least at the initial level. If you speak English, then the staff is very efficient and friendly. Because they are poor and live in Turkey and have not yet learned Russian. Therefore, they do not always understand what our fellow citizens are trying to explain to them by shouting (the staff is not at all deaf) and pantomime. And since they do not understand, they are in no hurry to comply, so as not to get into a trouble. Because after all, ours then swear and yell at the whole hotel that they were not served like that. And for those who don't know: dear VIPAI - means "Vip ol inclusive", not "ultra ol inclusive". Therefore, of course, all imported drinks are not included in the price and are paid separately.
But such drinks can be bought at Duty Free at the airport and revel in your health. Live classical music is played in the evenings. Very beautiful and extremely romantic. Therefore, no one is in a hurry to disperse from dinner. It's so nice to sit under the beautiful southern sky, feast on strawberries with whipped cream (I write what happened) and listen to beautiful music. To be honest, we didn't want to leave. Next year we will come again, but for 2 weeks. Recommend!!!
A separate word about Tez Tour. We met well, but when we were brought to the hotel, the bus stopped on the opposite side of a very busy street. And we had to jump with our suitcases between cars that were rushing at full speed in both directions. Hotel guide Binaz is a total suck. Rude, inattentive, and in addition, you always need to look for her. Because it happens at the hotel twice a day (but not the fact that every day and both times). Tours are good

but the same excursions can be ordered from beach guides. The service is the same, but the cost is half the price. But even Binaz is not able to spoil the impression of this hotel.
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