I don't even know what to write. THE HOTEL IS GREAT for any holiday.

Written: 2 august 2010
Travel time: 29 april — 5 may 2010
Who does the author recommend the hotel to?: For business travel; For families with children; For recreation with friends, for young people
Your rating of this hotel:
from 10
Hotel ratings by criteria:
Rooms: 10.0
Service: 10.0
Cleanliness: 9.0
Food: 9.0
Amenities: 10.0
Rest this year. WITH A FRIEND. ALL SUPER! It's even worse in the SEASON. We were in May. only. that there were few people. At the height of the season the most class. Everything's there. The hotel itself is very beautiful. Encountered trouble. when they did not want to give a number in the middle. overlooking the pool. But we got it at no extra cost. They feed excellent. even TAIKA comes AND COOKES SUSHI FOR DINNER. All spas and cinemas. disco club (by the way, cool. with white leather sofas) are located on
-1 floor. There are elevators. Numbers on electronic keys.
There are a lot of shops near the hotel.
We went almost every day to the AURA club in Kemer. took tickets through the animators.
Were at the concert of Timati and DJ Smash. The club is the coolest in Kemer. Open air.

In general, everything is super. Very young hotel. It's good as a young couple to relax or a company! Good luck to all. You will not regret. SOLID FIVE!
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