Horror! This is not 4*, but 2"!

Written: 10 august 2024
Travel time: 13 — 20 july 2024
Your rating of this hotel:
from 10
Hotel ratings by criteria:
Rooms: 1.0
Service: 1.0
Cleanliness: 1.0
Food: 1.0
Amenities: 1.0
Horror!! ! Do not spoil your rest and nerves!! !
We were here from July 13 to 20, inclusive, for 8 days. We arrived at night, we were met at the reception by a Turk in dirty sports pants, the manager came out of the closet and gave us a room, plus he took eight dollars from each of us for wi-fi - a dollar a day. Arriving in the room, we were shocked by how much it cannot be conveyed, where such a thing can happen, but definitely not in Turkey in a four-star hotel! This is a level three or even two! Everything is torn, the shower is leaking, there is no soap or shampoo, the beds are terrible, and the air conditioner is terrible! I asked the reception to change our room, to which we were told that there were no rooms. I say that we bought a ticket with a standard number, not economy, to which we were told again that there are no numbers, come in two days. In order to accommodate you in a better room, you need to pay at least another 25 dollars.
I will send you photos of this number so that you have an idea of ​ ​ where you are going and where you can be accommodated. Two days later, we were moved to a better room, not the best either, but at least with some conditions. Saving light. ! You leave the room, take out the card and the refrigerator stops working. As a diner, I am also very shocked at this level, again, I don’t know any kind of run-in, the chefs don’t have hats, there are chefs or people standing next to each dish who pour with a spoon so that you don’t take any more, giblets, smelly fish, bring out two or three chickens and cut them them to pieces, whoever gets a wing, or a leg, or a back, or an ass. if you want a better piece, get in line again. There are always queues for everything! I pointed to the best piece of fish, got a spatula with which fish is served on my fingers. There are generally three types of desserts, plus apricots and watermelons, again, all very, very small quantities.

Therefore, if you want to stay hungry, come at the end of dinner or lunch. There is no variety of dishes. It's the same every day. The soup is of one kind, and it is not soup, but a washed soup pot. In the first days they gave potatoes. then it happened somewhere. And zucchini! This should be the name of the hotel "Zucchini". Here they are fried and boiled and stewed in pieces and rings...there are also not enough salads, they cut cabbage, cucumbers, tomatoes on a tray, and you mix them yourself. No sauces, no cottage cheese! Then about alcohol! Constant some incomprehensible breaks, before lunch, dinner. There are no cocktails! Beer is poured into small plastic glasses, wine is given, and vodka is given in the evening. My friend tried the wine, it was very diluted, you can't drink it, vodka is also in a limited amount, that is, if you come to dinner around 9 o'clock, you won't get alcohol at all. You go to the bar, they say there is no vodka! Contingent: Russians, Tajiks, Kazakhs...As for the animations!
There are absolutely no animations here! The first days we fought to have some of our music turned on, the Turks themselves and those who work in the kitchen, in the evening they go out to relax, turn on their Turkish music and stupidly dance some of their own dances, they sneeze at the vacationers and the owner of this hotel too! Boring in general! As I was once in the four, there was some kind of water polo and Miss Hotel and Mr. Hotel, but here in general from 9 o'clock in the evening, after dinner there is nothing to do at all. It is called, have dinner and go to bed or go to the bazaar, no one is anywhere! The only plus is that this hotel is very close to the sea: a minute or two to the sea, but again, there are no sunbeds there, if you like a back massage, lie down on the pebbles, you need to buy corals for your feet, because it is inconvenient to enter the water. I didn't ask what the sunbeds were for, but the sunbeds of the second hotel are also paid for.
In the end, I will say that in no case do not go to this hotel, it is better to pay extra and go to the beauty. Because people were constantly cursing there. There are always unhappy girls at the reception, without friendly smiles
And the nature in Beldiba is just class! That's why I recommend nature and a clean transparent sea! I will definitely come to this wonderful sea again, but only in 5* Don't take risks with these 4s!
Translated automatically from Ukrainian. View original