Ruined holiday, worst hotel

Written: 27 october 2023
Travel time: 8 — 15 july 2023
Your rating of this hotel:
from 10
Hotel ratings by criteria:
Rooms: 1.0
Service: 1.0
Cleanliness: 1.0
Food: 2.0
Amenities: 1.0
If you want to spoil your holiday, go to Beldibi beach hotel. We vacationed in July 2023. On the first day we were placed in another hotel near this one, a chicken coop, where there was a stench, cats, noise. For us it was a hellish night, they explained that there were no places until the morning. They did the same to others, people complained, but of course the damage was not compensated. That is, be prepared for such an outcome, this is the norm here. The attitude was visible on the first day, but there was nowhere to go. The hotel level is far from the four that they assigned to themselves. In my entire travel history, this is the worst hotel I have ever been to. No service, rude attitude towards people, the rooms are dirty, the smell of sewage, cleaning once a week, but not always, for 10 days of stay, we were given dirty towels. Wifi is paid, we bought internet from them for 8 days on the seventh day, the internet was turned off, without explanation. The food is often not fresh, sometimes burnt.
In the kitchen the cook is a boor and a redneck, he treats people very rudely, like parasites, the food is monotonous. Beach with cobblestones. I strongly do not recommend this eatery unless you want to go through hell!
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