with an interference fit of 4*

Written: 19 may 2012
Travel time: 21 — 28 april 2012
Your rating of this hotel:
from 10
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We went out of season, to be honest, we didn’t count on much, read the reviews, and went just to relax. Upon arrival, we were simply dumbfounded by the number of people, there were seven of us in the whole hotel (but after a couple of days people arrived and there were not even big queues for dinner). Animation and amphitheater starts working from mid-May and there weren’t any entertainments other than cocktails, if it weren’t for the animators TUCHKA and MUSTAFA, one could completely forget about the rest, they tried to amuse us in every possible way. To be honest, the hotel does not pull at all for 5 *, of course there is enough food so as not to die of hunger, but there is not much choice, every day is the same, but for the money that we spent on this institution (400 USD with a flight for 2x (according to the action) - this is the most it). The hotel is not worth the money for which it is sold in travel agencies (from 1500 ye per season). The staff and managers of the hotel are friendly, try to please, worry. We were lucky with the weather, for all the time it rained once and then in the evening. There really is a cemetery and they call it a park (smiling). First they settled on the 2nd floor overlooking the "park" and the graves - they asked to be moved to the other side without any problems (no surcharges). Excursions were taken on the street in Ginza much cheaper and without problems. In general, they were satisfied, they arrived tanned and rested.
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