Review of Club Marco Polo

Written: 28 november 2019
Travel time: 3 — 11 september 2019
Your rating of this hotel:
from 10
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The hotel was chosen based on availability and the availability of a basketball court in the hotel, since our children are adults, they play basketball, we took into account the wishes of the whole family. Reviews about this hotel were great, it is usually more expensive, but for our dates it was a good price, this was also one of the reasons why we chose this hotel. By number, there is a note. If this is a family room, with 4 beds, then 2 places are for children, and it turns out that these places are only for those children who are not tall. I also have a "child", he is 14 years old and 195 cm tall, that is, it was simply not possible for him to sleep, because his legs hung. It's not just this hotel's problem, it's the same in almost all family rooms in all hotels. If there are 4 people in the room, 2 of them are children, then the children must be dwarfs? Unclear. . . When choosing a tour, I choose such hotels so that renovations have been carried out there over the past 10 years. In this case, it was written that it was carried out, but specifically for our number, I did not notice this. It was in the building where we lived that there was no renovation, the room was as old as it was, so it remained. There were other shortcomings, for example, in one room everything is in order with the lighting, in the other there is no light at all, no table lamps, no sconces, no ceiling lighting, only one broken floor lamp. Given that the children were only sleeping in the room, this did not cause us much discomfort. The territory and food are just super, the most capricious tourist can be satisfied. The restaurant itself is clean, surprised in itself. The area is also very clean and well maintained. The territory had everything we needed, we did not even set out to go somewhere outside the hotel.
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