For the first time in our lives, we changed the hotel, having lived in it for 2 days!

Written: 19 may 2016
Travel time: 7 — 9 may 2016
Your rating of this hotel:
from 10
Hotel ratings by criteria:
Rooms: 2.0
Service: 2.0
Cleanliness: 2.0
Food: 1.0
Amenities: 6.0
Hello everyone, we are still on vacation, on the advice of friends we decided to buy a tour to this hotel. From the photo, he didn’t really impress us, but we heard that good food, animation and sincerity outshine the old rooms and a small territory.
And now, we are in Boran, on a long-awaited vacation with a 3-year-old child
We arrived at the hotel at 17:00, the transfer was more than 2 hours, we were waiting for a late tourist
We liked the territory, tuned in for a good rest, and then it began...
they gave 1 key to the room, my husband went to take things, we traveled for half an hour in search, the numbering was extremely illiterately organized, the staff, when asked to help, took me halfway and left, I still don’t remember such a service.
we were very hungry from the road, they told us to wait for dinner and they can’t help us, ok, the child ate his stock of cookies and yogurt

the room was just tiny, 10 meters, without a corridor where to put things, I didn’t find a place, everything was just hung on hangers. very small closet
the door to the bath on rollers, the room is very shabby
a separate topic is food - for the first time in my life in an all-inclusive hotel, we were looking for somewhere to eat and I regretted that I had not taken canned food from home and this is Turkey and a 5-star hotel !!!
I don't remember such poor food in my life! The most delicious was the salty pizza for snacks, what was served in the restaurant was difficult to eat, burda! one soup for adults and eternal chicken soup - like porridge for children, the child spat, my husband went hungry and I went there too, there were pieces of fried herring from the fish, we almost burped! I lived in 3-star hotels, but I don’t remember such a nightmarish food! changed with a surcharge to the neighboring hotel otium life, this is a paradise compared to Boran!
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