Review of Catamaran Resort Hotel

Written: 10 march 2020
Travel time: 3 — 13 september 2019
Your rating of this hotel:
from 10
Hotel ratings by criteria:
Not a bad hotel for its price range. Everything is good in terms of food, but the rooms are already a bit old, there are no categorical comments, they cleaned the room, everything worked, but if you look from the balcony, there was a sheet when we arrived, it lay there, and before our departure, no one removed it. What was embarrassing was that there were always basins and mops in the passages. The territory is not large, I did not like that the descent to the pool and to the sea on the steps is problematic for those with children, and especially with strollers. We were without a stroller, but for many, the lack of a ramp can be a problem. The hotel had great animation, well done guys. We wanted to go to Kemer once, but did not leave, because there were shops and markets near the hotel, we bought everything we wanted there. The service is excellent, the guide is great, I realized that we are with a small child and it is pointless to impose excursions on us.
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