Cozy vacation! Friendly staff... Great view

Written: 19 may 2021
Travel time: 16 — 23 may 2019
Who does the author recommend the hotel to?: For business travel; For recreation with friends, for young people
Your rating of this hotel:
from 10
Hotel ratings by criteria:
We have been to Oludeniz 4 times. And if you describe this hotel, everything is convenient, except for settling. In other hotels, everything is not so strict...
Among the shortcomings is to get into the "Standard" rooms in the building behind the dining room... The smell, noise and ringing of dishes... We hope that the "quarantine" will change something)))
Now Pravda is 1400 meters from the beach (or 22-24 minutes walk there and 30 minutes back), but not 700 as stated. But this is the "truth", not a flaw. You are on the move!!!
The rooms are cozy and clean! Cleaning is regular. The territory is very well thought out, it is easy to find your own corner where you can relax or, on the contrary, do "activities".
Food and drinks were +/- like everywhere else (in solid fours). Wi-Fi everywhere and always. For Oludeniz, this is an exception or the fate of expensive hotels.
I will not write that we will come again... But we have already bought vouchers and are going soon.
P. S. We know that in 2021 a lot has changed in the hotel, we hope for the better.
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