Nice hotel with bad service

Written: 30 june 2024
Travel time: 16 — 26 june 2024
Who does the author recommend the hotel to?: For recreation with friends, for young people
Your rating of this hotel:
from 10
Hotel ratings by criteria:
Rooms: 10.0
Service: 2.0
Cleanliness: 8.0
Food: 8.0
Amenities: 9.0
We chose this hotel because it has no children. Relaxing with an eternally screaming horde is not a vacation. We vacationed in June 2024. It’s hot, and the air conditioners in the hotel can’t handle the heat. Either there are few of them or they are not powerful. It is very hot in the restaurant, bar and corridors. Everything is fine in the room. And in general, the rooms are fire. Nice, clean, cleaned daily, free bar replenished regularly. The food is amazing, there is even quail on the menu. Animation at 120%. There is only one big BUT, which spoils the whole holiday and more than covers up all the good things that this hotel has. This is the attitude of restaurant and bar staff towards you. If you don’t give it “on your paw”, you won’t even have a fork on the table, you’ll have to go look for it yourself, not to mention serving drinks and morning coffee, which you’ll have to go and brew yourself. At the pool bar, the same thing - if you don't pay, you won't get it. Bartenders pass by, pretending that you are not there and serving those who gave money.
I think that for a hotel of this level this is simply unacceptable!! ! After my husband became indignant and complained to the administrator in the main bar (where the bar counter is supposedly the longest in Europe, but all the bartenders pass you by because you didn’t pay separately), they started pouring drinks for us, but only that evening. This is all very humiliating and spoils the whole impression of the hotel, which is actually VERY beautiful.
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