Do not book a room at this hotel

Written: 27 june 2024
Travel time: 26 june — 3 july 2024
Your rating of this hotel:
from 10
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After looking at the photo of the hotel, I decided that it would be a good vacation with the child. As a result, 2 and a half hours of checking in, or rather marinating us, and then they said that there is only one room. The room has a window that overlooks the roof, where there are air conditioners. In the shower, the water does not drain at all, 5-6 cm of water remains, although I soak it every time after bathing. There were some leaks on the walls, as if there was 60 cm of water in the room. Having said that there is only this room, we checked in and asked to have it cleaned. But when they returned an hour later, it was not cleaned and they told me that they would clean it tomorrow. That is, we had to spend one night on the bed left over from previous people. In the end, I found a cleaning lady myself, and very scandalously asked her to clean. When I came to the room again, they simply changed the bed. Terrible service here, don't take a tour here at all
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