Disappointed. People, don't waste your money, go to another hotel.

Written: 16 june 2017
Travel time: 7 — 15 june 2017
Your rating of this hotel:
from 10
Hotel ratings by criteria:
Rooms: 6.0
Service: 5.0
Cleanliness: 3.0
Food: 1.0
Amenities: 3.0
I am writing a review for the first time in my life. We were in June 2017 with my husband and child. The hotel is very crowded, it is impossible to calmly have lunch and dinner, wild long queues. Waiters don't have time to clean everything. Sometimes I had to snatch a free table after someone and wait for the waiter to change at least the tablecloth. the food is not varied, every day the same thing, yesterday's food is converted into some kind of sour salads or added to hot dishes, that is, they are re-cooked, this is very unpleasant, as if pig people would not understand anything. Even hotel employees eat outside the hotel. bed linen is not changed every day, I had to ask the maids personally. changed once a week, but cleaned every day. Beyond the little things. . slides do not all work, cigarette butts on the beach, stray dogs, dirty smelly toilets that do not have time to clean, etc. . The MOST HORRIBLE thing we did not expect is that during lunch, when people leave the beach to eat, the sewerage is released from the so-called "river" on the right and there is a smell of shit on the whole beach. But for some reason no one writes or talks about it. all in the reviews this sewer with pipes from which flows g. called a river. I'm very disappointed. How many traveled around Turkey, even in three-star small hotels, the quality is better honestly and pleasant impressions. This hotel doesn't even deserve one star.
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