Very poor

Written: 21 may 2023
Travel time: 3 — 17 may 2023
Your rating of this hotel:
from 10
Hotel ratings by criteria:
Rooms: 5.0
Service: 8.0
Cleanliness: 2.0
Amenities: 10.0
Only the place is amazing. M? s? two? rooms? the apartment was greeted by the stench of sewage, which i? disappeared only when the windows were opened. The rooms have not been renovated for a long time, they have been lived in. Furniture is old, with a cigar? i? extinguishing? um? miss Apartment? where? the apartment does not have a single iron or wine opener. But? fix it? only after applying, please? you for five days, then change? bedding? and hand? will you? ius Bedding in two weeks? s don't change anymore? , hand? will you? one more time? time? .
Wifi is poor. Employees at the service? s, only night watch? that one? pretends to be Charles III. Apartments are not worth this price. Is everything old? , about aesthetics? n? what? and speak you Is it happening? ? sp? dis, that the owner is trying in the slightest s? benefits to get big? will you profit . Do not correct? what, not even? moni? what Not enough, mood? from time to time spoiled drunk? Russian? trick? wearing
Translated automatically from Lithuanian. View original
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