Po przybyciu na miejscu oczywi? cie nie mieli nie dostali? my pokoju czteroosobowego tylko trzyosobowy po p? j? ciu do recepcji na drugi dzie? zosta? nam hotel zmieniony jedzenie monotonne co drugi dzie? to samo ale jedzenia by? o du? o i mo? na by? o si? naje?? jedyne co nas uszcz?? liwi? o to pla? a i woda ciep? a czysta pla? a przepi? kna ale oczywi? cie nie pla? a hotelowa tylko pla? a publiczna bo pla? a hotelowa pozostawia wiele do? yczenia jest brudno le? aki s? zniszczone wida?? e nie s? czyszczone na bie?? co szef hotelu oczywi? cie bardzo lubi Rosjan z Polakami niekoniecznie daj? Polakom do zrozumienia? e s? mniej wa? niej ni? Rosjanie o 23:00 wszystko zostaje zamkni? te bilard wy?? czony drinki w hotelu do 22:00 i ju? nie dostaniesz ani jednego drinka czasami zdarza si?? e automat z wod? jest zepsuty nie polecam tego hotelu jest brudno wszystko jest stare jedynie co na plus to kelnerzy i barmani chocia? jeden bardzo niesympatyczny wr? cz mia? am wra? enie chodz? c pod drinka? e co? ukrad? am bo przewraca? oczami i by? bardzo niezadowolony? e widzi mnie w ci? gu godziny po raz drugi dziecko jak chodzi? o po coca-col? to bardzo mu si? to nie podoba? o? e tyle razy jest pod barem i chc? po prostu albo fant? albo col? dla mnie osobi? cie to pora? ka nigdy wi? cej do tego hotelu bym nie pojecha? a nawet jakby kosztowa? o mnie to 1000 z?
Upon arrival, obviously they didn't have they didn't get? we have a quadruple room only triple p? j? to the reception for the second day? stay us hotel changed food monotonous every other day? same but food? oh how much? oh and can for? about you? nah? ? the only thing that saves us liwi? about that? and hot water? what about a clean beach? and overdrink? but obviously? do you not swim? and the hotel beach only? and public because beach? and the hotel room leaves much to wish it's dirty what are destroyed can you see? ? e are not? cleaned on white what will the hotel boss know? you really like Russians with Poles not necessarily give? Poles to understand? e s? less weight her not? Russians at 23:00 everything closes? this billiards you? ? drinks in the hotel until 22:00 and already? you don't get a single drink sometimes it happens and a water machine? it's broken I don't recommend this hotel it's dirty everything is old only what's on the plus side are the waiters and bartenders though? one very unsympathetic wr? hello am wra? come on c for a drink? e what? steal? am because it rolls over? eyes and very dissatisfied? does he see me in you? gu hours for the second time baby how is it going? what about coca-col? is he very don't like it? about? e so many times is under the bar and want? just or kid? or col? person for me? is it time? who never know why would i not go to this hotel? and even costly? about me is 1000 z?