Very soulful

Written: 2 october 2019
Travel time: 22 — 30 september 2019
Who does the author recommend the hotel to?: For recreation with friends, for young people
Your rating of this hotel:
from 10
Hotel ratings by criteria:
Rooms: 10.0
Service: 7.0
Cleanliness: 7.0
Food: 7.0
Amenities: 10.0
After reading numerous angry comments, we were very afraid to go to this hotel, but the ticket was bought, the money was paid, there were no other options. Upon arrival we were greeted by a wonderfully friendly staff. We express our deep gratitude to Aziz from the reception, who was always ready to help, gave water or towels without any problems and connected to his personal Wi-Fi. Settled in about 10-15 minutes in a large family room, although they paid for the standard. The territory is huge and green, several gazebos, two pools.

As for the restaurant, everything is 5 * there too! ! ! Wine was brought on trays in glasses, we didn't even have time to ask! The same goes for sweets and fruits. For breakfast, lunch and dinner there is always delicious chicken in different variations. Tomatoes and cucumbers just fall on your head! And alcohol flows like a river! (But only until 11pm) after which, by the way, we never got sick, no matter how much we drank!

Every evening a children's program, and after it an adult. The animators are very groovy and provocative, it is immediately clear that they love children!

We were taken to discos every night, not for free of course, but it was worth it! Because if you like to go on a spree, then the animators will definitely find you in any club in Alanya (and possibly outside of it), gather everyone in a bunch and safely take you home on a transfer. Almost every morning we were woken up by a program by the pool with dancing and aqua aerobics, which energized us for the whole day!

As for Wi-Fi, it really was almost non-existent, but we learned how to relax without the Internet, and, frankly, it was much more fun!

Yes, maybe it's not 5 *, but leaving this hotel, we could not hold back the tears, because there is an amazing atmosphere and the best club sunny world family!
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