The sea is close, the food is simple but tasty, the rooms are clean, you can live

Written: 26 july 2019
Travel time: 14 — 23 june 2019
Who does the author recommend the hotel to?: For families with children
Your rating of this hotel:
from 10
Hotel ratings by criteria:
Rooms: 7.0
Service: 8.0
Cleanliness: 8.0
Food: 8.0
Amenities: 8.0
First time at sea, first time in Turkey. They settled me on the first day in room 707, the window overlooks the elevator, there is no balcony, because of which it was very stuffy in the room and things from the sea did not dry, although I paid for the standard room, in return they gave me a free Wi-Fi password . They said that tomorrow they would give another normal room, in principle, I had no complaints, from the road I wanted to lie down at least on some kind of bed and take a shower . . In my opinion, the hotel is ideal for an economical family vacation. Excursions from the guide at the hotel did not buy. I bought a jeep tour on the street, it's worth it, a lot of impressions, an amazing excursion to the mountains. I went to the beach of Cleopatra, for an amateur, the sand is small shell rock clogged in all places, knee-deep, after the same plates begin, the sea is cleaner at the hotel. Here I rode the funicular, walked around the fortress, the trip was worth it.
From the hotel to Cleopatra Beach you can take bus number 1, the cost is 3 lira one way, the cost of the funicular there and back is 28 lire. New renovation in the building only on the 7th floor. Impressions of the hotel: the hotel building is normal, the repair is average, clean, you can live, the food is good (a lot of vegetables, olives, watermelons, melon, oranges, chicken meat), the sea is close 4 minutes walk, it was stormy, plates along the coast, but I used aqua shoes , swam from the pier, I liked it, the sea is very salty
However, the following situation slightly tarnished my holiday and my stay at this hotel, read below.

!! ! Attention to those who go to the hotel alone in the Standard room!! ! What happened to me:
On the third day of my stay at the hotel, I went to the club. The trip is organized by the animator of the hotel Joseph. From the hotel I went, animator Joseph and his two girls (let's call them "H" and "C"), a bartender and some other girl from Russia.
In the club, when they paid for drinks, it turned out that "C" and "H" are not tourists in the hotel, but live for free and do not pay for themselves, they are in this hotel for the third time, one meets with the animator, the other, in her words, with the owner of the hotel . Well, as if it were their business, I listened and okay. All three of them lived in one standard room, two beds and a sofa, I had the same room, I realized it very simply by the colors of the towels hanging on the balcony in the evening. That is, the animator and his two companions occupied a good hotel room, being not tourists, while tourists who paid for tours did not have enough normal rooms on the day of arrival.
What happened the next day, Joseph comes up to me in the evening and says, we have such a situation here, go to meet us, and we will make bonuses for you, cocktails at the bar, hookah, I tell him I don’t drink and don’t smoke, why do you need it, he says you live alone in a large room, and new tenants will take their room tomorrow, could you move to a smaller room for one day, and we’ll drop into yours, like the administrator Alya said I won’t ask if Joseph needs to come and ask me himself. I freaked out. Of course, I refused, said yes, I live alone in a large room, but I paid for it in full and I’m not going to move anywhere. I was shocked. I went to the girls whom I met from Russia, I was shattered kapets. She sat down and talked.

Then I think I’ll go to this Alya administrator, caught her, said what kind of impudence is why the animator allows herself to approach me with such questions, and she stands and smiles, in short, I didn’t see an adequate reaction, I decided that they were in the same gang. In short, they took me for a crook and decided to give a ride, not a ride. And I already have everything, the mood is spoiled. I went for a day worried, then I think I’ll go to the owner of the hotel, because I still have 6 days to live here (by the way, there is no owner here, there is a hostess, and “N” meets the son of the hotel owner). I went up to the reception and said to Alya, call the hostess, and this one’s eyes looked like why, I say call, you need to talk, but she doesn’t understand Russian like the hostess, I say you will translate. Of course, I was shaken myself, I took a familiar woman with me. They called, they came. I tell Alya to translate and told about the animator's proposal.
So imagine, the mistress of the type is aware, they allegedly do not have enough places, a reservation. So I tell her, firstly, I paid for this number in full, and secondly, if such a need arose, then it is you who should talk to me, and not the animator, because I paid you the money. They tried to get out of the type I did not understand. But they don’t know what I know about these, let’s say, “beauties” “H” and “C”, who decided to simply solve their problems at my expense. Well, we all left. And then in the evening, all the staff, always smiling with a serious expression on their faces, walk around, they don’t even turn their eyes in my direction, they lowered their eyes and silently took the dishes, Joseph generally bypassed me, didn’t even say hello. The hostess of the hotel had a serious talk with them. And thank God, I calmly spent the rest of my vacation.
At the end, when she was leaving, Alya, of course, apologized for the situation, I told her not to be offended by me, because I had to protect myself.
Conclusion: they have free rooms, but they are occupied by the wrong people, as a result, a situation is artificially created that tourists who have paid for a ticket do not have enough normal rooms to stay
Translated automatically from Russian. View original