Nightmare hotel!

Written: 27 february 2011
Travel time: 10 — 18 september 2010
Your rating of this hotel:
from 10
Hotel ratings by criteria:
Rooms: 1.0
Service: 1.0
Cleanliness: 1.0
Food: 1.0
Amenities: 1.0
If you have already bought a tour to this hotel. Get ready for the worst. The hotel is just awful.
- The photo of the beach on the operators' websites is actually the BEACH OF ANOTHER HOTEL (CLUB TESS HOTEL 3 *). They have a beach next to it - just a nightmare.
- There is really no bar on the beach, pure deception. If a table with two containers with UPI.
- Broken umbrellas on the beach.
- Drinks are diluted. This is diluted beer, wine, vodka.
- Almost no food in the morning
- The rooms were never cleaned
- The pool became green after a few days, and did not dare to go into this swamp
- Recent renovation only cosmetic
- Mold in the rooms
- The roof is leaking
(for all the time we changed 2 rooms)
1. A wall was broken in one, the air conditioner did not work, there was a terrible mold in the bathroom, but there was soap. But you could watch TV.
2. The roof was leaking, there was no TV, but the air conditioner worked, and there were no light bulbs and soap
-- but we got out and made one out of 2 rooms where you could live, it's good that it rained only once : )
You can even ignore Mulu screaming in the morning after all this!
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