Tunisia in August

Written: 25 august 2009
Travel time: 13 — 20 august 2009
Who does the author recommend the hotel to?: For recreation with friends, for young people
Your rating of this hotel:
from 10
Hotel ratings by criteria:
Rooms: 5.0
Service: 8.0
Cleanliness: 9.0
Food: 7.0
Amenities: 7.0
Tergui Club is not a hotel, or rather not quite a hotel, in the full sense of the word. This is, as we say in the Crimea "housing". Those. such things as meeting a guest, bringing his things to the room, which is the norm for a hotel of any class in other countries, are not accepted here. At the same time, it is also impossible to write that this sucks. Their beach is very good, the sand is clean, soft. By the way, a man walks along the beach and offers cacti with nuts. Whatever price he calls, do not take it, it will still be many times overstated. They grow there on every corner, they sell them exclusively in buckets and for next to nothing.
The rooms, although unpretentious, are clean, cleaned regularly, the territory is also quite well-groomed. What did not like:
air conditioning in the room is built into the wall opposite the beds. When it works at night, it blows directly on the bed, it's cold, you turn it off stuffy.
There is no refrigerator in the room.

A lot of people, as for a 3* hotel. Usually such hotels are small and this is their advantage, there are few guests and the attention of the staff, in the hope of a tip, reaches everyone. It's a little different here, although the staff is trying and there are no complaints about them in principle.
The pool slides are only open 2 hours a day.
Animation in the evenings takes place on the terrace where there are three times fewer tables than those who want to sit at them, so if you want to comfortably watch the show, take a table over from 8 o'clock until half past ten just get bored there. Although if you drink, then time flies by unnoticed, and if not...
However, if you drink well, then all the shortcomings disappear somewhere. I remember how at the institute, in the construction team, I went sober into a village disco and was horrified - it was raining outside, there was a hole in the roof, there were puddles on the floor, in the club "apples in the snow" a drunken crowd was jumping under them, falling into these puddles cursing, in the corner someone then they beat the face, uzhzhzhos! I went outside, and there my acquaintances were pouring moonshine, drank a glass, went back and... it turned out to be a completely normal disco : ) So everything that I write here is for people who do not drink or drink little, the rest will like it here : )
Their food is also not food, but “food”, although monotonous, they cook it deliciously and, most importantly, they bring it on time, so there are practically no queues and crush, which is almost unbelievable for a hotel where the main contingent is Poles and ours.
I will not give the menu in full, but I will indicate what we ate:
Breakfast - boiled sausage, scrambled eggs or boiled eggs, delicious donuts with jam and coffee or tea.
Dinner - chicken in sauce, but not broiler, but real, also very tasty cooked, pilaf, boiled potatoes, spaghetti or pasta with good tomato sauce, only watermelons from fruits. And so every day : )
On this I will finish with the hotel and as a summary - Tergui Club is not a hotel, but not an expensive way to get to Tunisia and you should not expect more for that kind of money, then you will like your vacation.

Now about excursions. A lot depends on the guide. Unfortunately, we got a rare asshole and a terrible brake named Denis. We suspected something was wrong on the bus when we were going to the hotel. He will utter some phrase, break off in the middle, wait a couple of minutes and continue, and not always from the place where he stopped. As one of the passengers joked, “he manages to sleep between phrases” : ) Upon arrival at the hotel, he first told us that excursions should be ordered only from him, because here, unlike Turkey or Egypt, there are no street travel agencies. Unfortunately, we bought cm on this mess and immediately ordered a couple of excursions from him, and there were problems with all of them. If "Pirate Ship" he simply indicated the wrong time, check-out from the hotel at 8-20, the voyage itself is 9-30 - 13-30 (in reality, we were sent at 9-00 by a scheduled bus, and the boat departed at 10-40 and in the end we we spent more than an hour and a half of our time waiting), then he simply forgot that we ordered a trip on ATVs, paid for it, received a receipt from him and no one came for us. The apotheosis of his "activity" was that he forgot us at the hotel on the day of departure and we had to get to the airport ourselves, the incident is simply incredible, usually with all the Arab confusion, I not only did not have to meet with this, but even never heard of it. So if anyone comes across this freak, be on your guard.
And excursions are really better to take, as elsewhere, from the locals. This is more reliable, and the price goes astray one and a half times immediately. Let me give you an example - we were offered a trip on a caravan (camels, horses, donkeys and a cart, and they go by caravan for 3 hours) on receipts the price is 40 TD, because "we are very good people" he offered us a "special price" of 30 TD, and when we already leaving, he ran after us and begged to take for 10 TD.
We took in the Port of El Kantaoui, in the "Buggy tour", they actually organize buggy trips, but they also sell everything else that is in Porto and Sousse. Only trips to other cities are not sold, but since the Romans not only said that "Carthage must be destroyed", but they really destroyed it, and to the ground, I doubt that it is worth going there. As for the trip to the Sahara, then I will not tell you anything. Before the trip, I read the reviews where everyone was completely delighted with it. Those who went there, with whom we spoke personally, do not express such obvious enthusiasm, but they do not scold them either, their main impression is - "we survived it. " We did not go to the Sahara for several reasons. First, I didn’t want to spend 2 days out of 7 on one trip, and the second is again our guide. If all operators have a price of 150 TD and, if desired, an additional payment for a trip on jeeps and camels is 45 TD, then our client has a mandatory surcharge and not 45, but 55 TD. Considering that the jeep trip is associated with getting up at 4 am and we definitely wouldn’t wake up on it, then we didn’t want to buy a ticket and go on foot.
In principle, all excursions can be carried out independently. From the hotel you drive to Port El Kantaoui. You can use the bus that belongs to the hotel, its schedule is on the reception, but it is always packed to capacity, it is easier to get on the road and catch any minibus, the price is the same - 1TD to Port and 1.5 to Sousse. Back you need to catch a yellow minibus with a blue stripe, they go to Terga.

Port El-Kantaoui is a very beautiful place, clean, tidy and very compact. All entertainment nearby. There is a water park, an amusement park across the road, there are many slides, but one of the coolest is a pendulum of 20 meters, swivel chairs at one end and it dangles back and forth, when it is launched, a screech is heard far beyond the town : ). Go a little further and the square with singing fountains, works in the evening, opera music, dancing jets of water and color scheme, well, very beautiful! Opposite is a small zoo and harbor. There are many cafes, shops and pleasure boats in the harbor, including pirate ones. They leave every hour, so you're not tied to anything.
Special tourist transport, motorcycles and a small train run to Sousse from the port, the price is 2 TD per person. Although we personally did not like Sousse very much. The city is big, dirty, the market is very poor, there is practically nothing to buy there, and there are practically no other interesting things.
What else from the excursions, Friguia park is a zoo like a zoo, in Kyiv it is much cooler, it has a restaurant where the Zulu evening is held, the local analogue of 1001 nights. What can I say, the show is like a show, funny blacks jump around the stage and beat the drums, at the end of the belly dance. The food is not tasty and small, tables for 12 people, they bring 2 bowls, where, in theory, there should be food for six, but there really is for three. But if you are completely mad from lying on the beach, you can go. Or buy a tour, or take a taxi, just remember to remind the taxi driver to turn on the meter.
And finally, some observations and useful tips. Tunisia is practically no different from Egypt, with the exception of three things:
1. Climate. It is terribly humid, as far as I easily endure the heat, but the first day was very difficult for me. You are all wet, sticky, the air is like in a steam room, the sea is like a warm bath, you absolutely do not cool down, even if you sit in it all day, the same can be said about the cold water in the shower. Someone complained that hot water is not always available in the hotel, pervert: ) the thought of hot water is only disgusting. But a day later I acclimatized and endured all this much easier.

2. Tourists. Unlike other resort countries, where Russian has become the second state language, here it is Polish. Well, there are a lot of Poles, I looked at the airport schedule, almost half of the flights from Poland, the rest, in descending order, France, Russia, Czech Republic, Italy, Germany, Lithuania. I don’t know why the Poles liked Tunisia so much, but it’s a fact. So knowledge of Russian is not quite enough there, German is also not held in high esteem, English is still desirable for a good rest, if French is then generally good.
3. There are many women among the attendants.
What else, it is better to change the currency at the bank, if at the airport and in hotels the dollar exchange rate is 1.33, then at the bank it is 1.41, the difference is significant.
Do not forget the pen, when entering and leaving Tunisia, you must fill out a special form, but there are no pens anywhere. A lot of people run around and borrow from each other.
If you buy something, bargain, bargain and bargain again, and even better, buy in large stores with fixed prices Fix Prix, there is everything that is in the bazaar and in small shops, and in one place.
Well, everything seems to be, have a pleasant stay in Tergi Club!
If you have any questions that you can't specify in the review, write, I will try to answer.
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