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Written: 21 october 2008
Travel time: 21 — 28 october 2008
Your rating of this hotel:
from 10
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my friends and I go to Tunisia for the 5th time and always to the marabou hotel, this is 3 *, but the service is 5 * - food - there is no such thing even in 5 * suites - the best chef in Tunisia works in this hotel - we talked with those who lived in other hotels 4* and 5* = they are fed modestly. will be worn on their hands. The hotel's beach begins literally outside the door of the room - clean sand-powder, the most transparent silk sea - polite staff, yes there are beach fights, but don't provoke - and that's all - how you behave, so they, like in any country, if you get really tired, pick up the phone and pretend to call the police, they will be blown away instantly. believe me, we were in different countries, but tunisia-suss-marabou is the best for moderate money, and yet, you are in the room almost only at night, willows need a shower, a toilet and a bed, it's all the same in all hotels and you don't have to overpay for 5 * = the beach there is a common many kilometers, without restrictions, if you want -here, if you want, splash around near another hotel, all the more so. Marabu is in the best place - opposite the disco * samara *, next to * saloon * and * arena *, restaurants are the most pleasant - una storia and regal, not far from the general store where you can buy, everything is cheaper than anywhere else. You can walk to the Medina along the promenade or take a taxi for 2 dinars - be careful - taxi drivers imperceptibly twist the counter - look after them or immediately agree = to the Medina no more than 2dinars, to the port of El Kantaoui-4 -max 4dinars - at night a little more expensive, but they will take you for the price that you name - bargain !!! , About excursions - we haven’t been in sugar - I don’t want to ride in sand dust (but, for sure, we’ll go next time), but here there were 3 times in Sidi Bou Said - you will not see such beauty anywhere, all the more you go there through Carthage, which you know from school history - this is an unusually-only-very long excursion in the Bordeaux Museum, but you yourself can quickly run through everything museum and wait for the group on the street. azin general, next to it is a coffee shop - go to the smell - for 10-15 dinars (about 10 dollars) you will buy 1 kg of real coffee !! ! bon chance! e look for the best, believe me, MARABU is what you need! buy a local tunistelecom card
everything, write lyudmila
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