Just not in this oasis in the middle of two abandoned construction sites !!!!

Written: 13 august 2013
Travel time: 3 — 10 august 2013
Your rating of this hotel:
from 10
Hotel ratings by criteria:
Rooms: 3.0
Service: 1.0
Cleanliness: 1.0
Food: 3.0
Amenities: 1.0
Chiraz Thalasso is a complete pigsty located in the middle of two abandoned, and for a long time, construction sites. We arrived with friends in quantity, together with children, 18 people. on children (and on themselves and their country, and even more so they can not appreciate their work in this hotel, I’m sorry - a pigsty, all the workers at the reception) In the room that serves as a luggage storage for new arrivals, there is a stench with the smell of specific rot and garbage, things were left at first, when we went for breakfast at around 9.00, what we saw in the dining room was still but not final, heaps of dirty dishes, the same tablecloths on the tables and a complete empty handouts, what was left was bread (obviously not yesterday) , in two large plates, a couple of spoons each, jam from the series that was given in the USSR in schools in the 70s. There was no water in the cooler (one for the dining room) at all, although after us people came into the dining room who had not arrived, and already there resting. In addition to the horror in the eyes of the people, there were also expressions in the direction of both tour operators and this swine country !! ! Coming out of the dining room and seeing what was being done at the reception, scandals, screams of threats, threats from the tour operator MUHAMED, if we don’t keep silent, they will be evicted out of the territory without settling (so they are accepted, but MUHAMMED is still that pi... and after some kind of African fly they named him. Then the walks and resettlement began, almost all of the rooms we were offered were one word SHELLERS, without cleaning, even with rubbish, cigarette butts, non-working air conditioners, doors that did not lock with a key (number 100) And again scandals screaming, around 18.00 either the boss or their boss, thanks to the translator, they began to gradually move us into more or less normal rooms, out of the seven rooms in which our company was settled, air conditioners worked only in three, TVs in five, a refrigerator in none. And figure out how to sleep with open windows with mosquitoes and temperature at 30-40 degrees!! ! In this hotel, we learned that the glasses are disposable all over the world, but not here!! ! Oh, what were the surprised expressions in the eyes of the waiters collecting glasses, seeing that we crushed and broke them !!!!
Basically the conclusion:
1 If YOU don't give a damn about service, cleaning, cleanliness of dishes, it's nice to lie on broken deck chairs, roll camel poop into the sea - YOU 100% HERE !!!

2 Stand behind disgusting-tasting drinks, while looking at how the turtle slowly and the deceiver with disdain sips into your glass (if YOU manage to become its owner) drop by drop either beer or yupi, or maybe cola with a sprite, first diluted with water, and notice -those that it's all UNCOOLED - YOU 100% HERE !! !
Translated automatically from Russian. View original

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