Review of Medina Diar Lemdina

Written: 30 june 2019
Travel time: 26 march — 3 april 2019
Your rating of this hotel:
from 10
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If you go to this hotel, you must have a clear idea that you will have to live in a castle. There are stone walls, narrow streets and wells. Just a castle, not like some fabulous one. This is a fully styled hotel. You need to be mentally prepared, because the first day is a shock, but then you get used to it. The rooms are unique in their own right. But we didn’t have any particular problems with the check-in, since we were settled in the 1st room - we didn’t like it and after looking at a few more options we settled in exactly the one we needed. And they settled us not at 14:00, but at 7 in the morning. On the territory of the hotel there is a wonderful entertainment water park. Wonderful free beach all inclusive. The territory is very large and well-groomed, there is where to walk. The food and service at this hotel is beyond praise. Very good food, quite varied. This hotel has an excursion for which they pay 95 dinars, but here it is free, because there is a restaurant on the territory of the hotel that you can visit once. We absolutely loved everything, especially living in such a stylized hotel.
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