Journey to the Sahara (cameraman Biblio Globus)

23 august 2012 Travel time: with 07 august 2012 on 08 august 2012
Reputation: +227.5
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The tour was very enjoyable, but very exhausting. Tour operator Biblio Globe did not disappoint. the only negative: for the night we stayed in a 5-star hotel in the desert, I don’t remember the name, but something from the club beach series. It was VERY stuffy and the air conditioning didn't work. although we changed the room as soon as we realized it. the other was the same. the night was terrible. Well, water is free everywhere. this was the most annoying. It would be better if the operator initially included it in the cost of the tour. after these 5 stars we realized that our 3 stars we stayed in were just awesome!

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верблюд, который пьет колу :)
джипы, это было офигенно!
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запомните этого бербера! он сначала разрешил мне фотографировать верблюдов, а потом требовал динары!
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