I recommend reading

Written: 13 march 2012
Travel time: 28 february — 11 march 2012
Your rating of this hotel:
from 10
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It takes 1 hour from the airport to the hotel. The hotel meets all the specified parameters. Breakfast from 6.30-10.30. The room is cleaned daily, if you leave 50 baht, they can also be cleaned 2 times a day. The hotel has its own fish pond, large and clean swimming pool. Live music every evening. There is a spa center where you can do fitness, massage. The hotel has a beautiful garden where you can see hummingbirds. The hotel staff is very polite and friendly. S standard room 50 mkv. There is a bus every hour to the beach. Boarding the bus at the hotel, go 5 minutes. Guests of the Alpina Hotel on the beach receive free towels and sun loungers. If you want to relax on the beach of another hotel, then you need to pay 100 baht per person for a sunbed. For lovers of walking, it takes about 20 minutes to walk to the beach. 300 meters from the hotel there is an exchange office where dollars, euros, rubles are accepted. From the exchange office, a string of restaurants begins to the left. Do not think that there are only Thai restaurants everywhere, there are a lot of European restaurants. For fans of sea food, I recommend the Andaman Seafood restaurant, they serve crabs, mussels, a large selection of fish. Be sure to take excursions to the islands, this is the most vivid impression of all tourists. You can go to the zoo both on your own and on their mini-buses (they call them "tuk-tuk"). If in the evening, go to the right of the first exchange office, then after 500 m you will see a local attraction: every evening, after 21.00, Thais take two elephants out into the street, which you can pet and feed. According to the weather: we rested from February 28.2012 to March 11. The climate is unpredictable. In the morning it is hot, not a cloud, then clouds may appear, a fine, warm rain may pass for about 10 minutes, then heat again. While we were resting, it was raining every evening, but this did not overshadow the rest in any way, because the rain was fine and warm. I wish you a pleasant stay!
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