About tolerance, benevolence on the example of Sweden, or what we need to learn from Europe

23 May 2014 Travel time: with 07 June 2013 on 16 June 2013
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I have long wanted to write to all "Eurosceptics" about WHAT makes me admire when I cross the border. I will say right away that I have visited many countries, mainly (but not only) in the northern ones, that is, there is sufficient experience and nothing will surprise me just like that. But this pleasant story was remembered forever. So. We are flying with a fellow traveler to Stockholm on a tour of Scandinavia with Ilya Mezhul. The group is still sailing on the ferry, and we have an air connection. We fly through Riga. On the Kyiv-Riga plane, I pay attention to a young mother with a baby of 9 months. I note to myself that this is hard. Mom is flying alone. That is, unaccompanied. On the Riga-Stockholm plane, I again find the same mother with the same child. Frankly, the flight is not very tiring, but if you are without a child. I sympathize with my mother. By the end of the flight, the baby begins to "spin" - mothers will understand me. The mother of the child is calm, calm, the child feels this and does not do much harm, does not cry. Upon arrival in Stockholm (Arlanda airport), we safely board the Flybus to go to the center. And mother and child, too. Nobody meets her. She is calm. The child is already whimpering. Why do I repeat this word SO often - because our women in such situations are often already on edge, the child is crying, they are nervous, they curse the day they were born and make others curse that day. In short, hell for mother and child. Woman - Ukrainian, going to her husband. But that is not all. We are coming to Stockholm. The bus stopped almost in the center. A woman with a child comes out. The bus driver automatically opens the trunk and she starts looking for her bag. The child, of course, is in her arms. The bag is not found for a long time. The driver comes out, (note - calmly, without mats and remarks like - why can’t you find a bag? ) helps her take out the bags, and they are all the same, as if by choice. large (!! ! ) (Exclamation marks, because in the end - she will also have the same bag) and black. This goes on for about 7 minutes. The bus stops. NOBODY grumbles, screams - how long can you wait, etc. Mom puts (sits) the child on the asphalt, not because of harm, but because she can’t find a bag yet (the child doesn’t walk, so he actively starts to crawl on the asphalt). The bus is waiting. Another 6 minutes have passed. And then a woman gets off the bus and takes the child from the ground in her arms and waits for the mother to cope with the luggage. Finally, a bag was found - a large one + a sports bag + a stroller + a child. Nobody met her here either, but she calmly (again this word : ) gathered everything and the child and went on. The bus was waiting ALL this time, no one cursed or grumbled, did not go out to smoke and did not give stupid advice. (Imagine OURS in this situation). But simply: the driver helped, the woman from the bus helped. Maybe in the soul and bubbling with someone, but everyone is tolerant and benevolent. Comments, I think, are superfluous. Honestly, it's not something that struck me, but it left a mark in my soul forever. And one more episode. When you go through the Ö ressun bridge from Denmark to Sweden and vice versa, then pay attention to the artificial island (on the right or on the left, respectively). It is artificially reclaimed, but not in order to set up "hatynki" there in the future, but for birds that fly to warmer climes and can break on this bridge. So that the birds could "rest" during the flight and not crash - people came up with such a way out. Only the coast guard can dock on the island. Like this. This story (about the island) was told to us by the guide, maybe someone has other versions. In any case, it's instructive. That's all. I wish all kind people that in our native Ukraine they treat people and nature in the same way.

Translated automatically from Russian. View original
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