Yaroslavl. The opening of the seasons after the great sitting. Part 1. Standard routes

03 august 2020 Travel time: with 04 July 2020 on 04 July 2020
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"Champagne is drunk in the morning either by aristocrats or degenerates! " (c)

We have been going to Yaroslavl for a long time, but still nothing. . . The latest ecumenical events have redirected our wandering souls to the spaces closest to home. Let the museums not work, let it be recommended to keep the distance (even without any viruses there I am not against this recommendation at all), but I want to break out of the ordinary, change the picture and, oddly enough, I miss the hotel life. Yeah, there is such an addiction : )). Also, the iron horse - our faithful friend - has stagnated, it is necessary to walk it. Yes, and the rider is already itching, to ride I want to steer... Where have we not been a few hours away from Moscow by car? Yeah, Yaroslavl!

Assumption Cathedral, restored on the site of the one destroyed in the 30s of the last century

We looked towards Yaroslavl at the end of June. It seems like here and there we hear about the lifting of restrictions in the regions. Everything is fine, but hotels only accept travel documents. To make these papers - five minutes without leaving your home. But... for some reason, such a trick is not a pleasure. Who deceives whom and why in the end...

Tourportals began to revive a little with stories about short trips to the nearest districts, including the Yaroslavl expanses. Lure : )

I opened a popular booking site, and there, in many hotels, the signature on mandatory business trips was removed, in some places it is indicated that this restriction is until July 3rd. I could not resist and booked for the night on the weekend, just from the 4th. On the phone at the hotel they answered that the authorities could extend these measures, this has happened more than once. Ok, we'll check the day before. In the end, I will shove my prejudices about cheating away and draw a business trip. Unbearable already : ))

Yaroslavl – is not only churches : )

Digging further: in Yaroslavl on July 4 city tourist information center (TIC)holds the "Day of the meeting of the first tourist". Just great! We will be the first!

The hotel in Yaroslavl was selected according to a plan that has already been worked out: within walking distance of places of interest, with stall places for our horse-car, so that it is comfortable and clean and, most importantly, for inexpensive, breakfast is welcome . "Ibis Yaroslavl Center" 3* fit in very well with our wishes. I wrote about it in detail in the review here.

Alexander Nevsky Chapel

The weather in those days, neither in Moscow nor in the surrounding regions, was particularly pleasing with sunshine. So, when meeting with us on Saturday morning, Yaroslavl decided to show off a little. Clouds, some dampness splashed from above.

Russian State Academic Drama Theater named after F. G. Volkov – the first professional theater in Russia, founded in 1750. The building was rebuilt several times

Znamenskaya Church

But our all-powerful Yandex said that you should not worry too much, a lot of heavenly moisture is not expected, and in general, all this disgrace will end by the middle of the day. To believe or not to believe him - well... personally, I always believe in good, even if sometimes it doesn’t quite come true : )). My husband prefers to adhere to pessimistic forecasts and scenarios, but... you have to believe in me : ))

First of all, we spanked to open the tourist season in the TIC of Yaroslavl. It is just located on Bogoyavlenskaya square, the most central center, from where all tourist routes diverge.

Epiphany Church

Competitions, lotteries with prizes in the form of a free tour, for example, were promised. In the lottery, we are not lucky from the word at all, it has been tested many times over several decades, but you never know, but suddenly... But miracles, it turns out, happen, and this “you never know” happened. I don’t know if the few tourists conjured us luck (they supported us very much at the time of drawing out the cherished ticket) or the employees decided to reward stupid visitors, whose first question at the entrance was: “Are the first tourists met here? We want to be among the first! ". In general, we became happy owners of a bottle of champagne.

Sponsored by one of the famous hotels in Yaroslavl

We also had tea

I think it's not difficult to guess that carrying this stuff with you turned out to be completely inconvenient. After a walk around Yaroslavl Museum-Reserve(formerly Savior Transfiguration Monastery). . .

On the territory of the museum-reserve

Belfry of the Transfiguration Monastery

. . Carrying this burden became categorically impossible, we urgently had to get rid of the burden in the most non-aristocratic way, to destroy the contents by libation inside without using any glass-glass means.

The taste, of course, is not a masterpiece of winemaking art, but how do people say about a freebie : ))

And life is getting better!

Chapel of Our Lady of Kazan

Nature reacted sensitively to our spiritual message, removed its wetness.

And in the late afternoon, the sun also added brightness to the world around us.

More about freebies. The first tourists of Yaroslavl, well, those who somehow found out about this event, TIC gave a free tour on the red tourist bus .

Ilyinsky Church

A good gift, I will say, since the cost of this action is 600 re from the nose. Initially, it was planned to play this event in the lottery, but, apparently, there were not so many “learned” ones, just for the bus, 18-20 people. So the tourist season in Yaroslavl opened for us in the most touristic way.

As for the excursion itself, honestly, we wouldn’t go for the money, the scale of the historical center of Yaroslavl is not the same for traveling by bus. Although this is our personal opinion. I was prepared by Internet materials, so this trip allowed me to consolidate the information received in advance, to tell my companion something, periodically pushing this adherent of the well-known technology of remembering information in a dream with his elbow in the side (the movie "Big Break") : )). And then again and repeat in a pedestrian format.

The Holy Gate of the Transfiguration Monastery

Church of Michael the Archangel

Church of the Savior in the City

Spartakovets Stadium. In the past, the ravine Bear Corner. According to legend, somewhere here Yaroslav the Wise hacked to death a fierce beast with an ax and ordered to build a city on this place

Church of Nicholas the Chopped

Yaroslavl was just opening up before our eyes that Saturday afternoon. It seemed that all the inhabitants of the city took to the streets after the easing of the regime.

And then there were the large tourists who fussed and added to the population. There was no longer any thought of any distance, well, not to shy away from each other. Yes, and you will shy away, you will immediately knock another citizen down.

A wild pedestrian street of Kirov with eating and drinking establishments. Oh, how she seethed on a Saturday night. What the fuck is social distancing

And on Sunday morning it is quiet and modest, only in places are visible traces of yesterday's fun in the form of all kinds of garbage and a citizen of decent appearance, by the way, sleeping peacefully on a bench

Cafes and restaurants were full. According to the current rules, it was allowed to receive guests only on verandas and terraces. But these rules are magically forgotten a little. And only now I understand what was so unusual in eating establishments then - all the display windows in the interior were wide open - an imitation of a veranda)). But that's just my speculation.

We wandered around the central part of the city until the evening. It is aimless, where people are, there we are.

Monument of Glory - monument in honor of military and labor glory of Yaroslavl during the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945

And where people don't go, we'll look there : )).

Fortunately, the central location of our lodging for the night made it possible not to think about the difficulties of crawling to get to it.

Demidovsky Square

We enjoyed the sensations of another, yes... another place for us, a city that is outside our habitat. How wonderful it is! History, culture, architecture - it's all great. But honestly, at that moment, being away from home was more pleasing.

Continuation Yaroslavl. The opening of the seasons after the great sitting. Part 2. Routes. . . uh. . . not shabby

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Церковь Михаила Архангела
Церковь Михаила Архангела
стены Спасо-Преображенского монастыря
Загульная пешеходная улица Кирова с едально-питейными заведениями. Ах, как она бурлила в субботу вечером. Какая, на фиг, социальная дистанция
А воскресным утром тиха и скромна, лишь местами видны следы вчерашнего веселья в виде всяческого мусора и мирно спящего на лавочке гражданина приличной, кстати, наружности.
Святые ворота Спасо-Преображенского монастыря
Святые ворота Спасо-Преображенского монастыря
Святые ворота Спасо-Преображенского монастыря
Идем, значит, по набережной. Слышим, кто-то про ярославские достопримы вещает, но никакой группы не видно. Может, для удобства туристов городские власти придумали рассказывать, подумали мы... Оказывается этот агрегат умеет разговаривать. Кто-то пустил монетку, а экскурсию не дослушал.
Монумент Славы — памятник в честь боевой и трудовой славы ярославцев в годы Великой Отечественной войны 1941–1945 годов
Демидовский сквер