Journey to the Valley of a Hundred Mineral Springs

Almost every year I travel to the Shumak valley of 100 mineral springs. They are located on the territory of the Republic of Buryatia. The springs are hard to reach, located in the heart of the Sayan Mountains. Each source has its own taste, temperature, mineral composition. All sources are different from each other, even if, for example, we take two sources gushing from the same griffin.
I travel at different times of the year. It all depends on the company and on the availability (or absence) of free time. Therefore, I think it’s a sin not to write a little about the place where I visit so often, where I rest my body and soul, where I free myself from earthly shackles, where all problems go into the background, where I spiritually cleanse myself.
How to get to this extraordinary place? You can get to Shumak by helicopter from Irkutsk in 1 hour or on foot in 2-3 days, having good physical shape, from the nearest village 70 km from Shumak. There is another exotic option - on horseback (you and your backpacks are being driven). Also 2-3 days. The guides are local Buryats. They don't come cheap. I didn’t travel on horseback myself, but someone says that it’s interesting and even extreme, someone says that it’s not worth it, they say the horses smell bad, you ride and inhale the aromas + gadflies accompany you all the way!
People from young to old go to Shumak: here you will see children with their parents, and the elderly, and the infirm, a lot of young people. Everyone is drawn to the magical healing power of arshans. There is no civilization here! There are no roads, no shops, no entertainment... But people who want to visit this place are not getting smaller! Every year, thousands of people come to Shumak, fly by helicopter, live in tents, in winter quarters or at a camp site that pleases tourists with its hospitality.
Flying to Shumak, I stay at a camp site, which is also called "Shumak". A little about it: a cozy, quiet, comfortable hostel, designed for a small number of people. You will see here 25 houses, a cafe-dining room with a wonderful chef, and, of course, all the amenities =) Imagine: there are mountains around you, taiga, wild animals, unpredictable weather. . . warm =) Here you have hot water, and electricity, and a sauna, and massage, and satellite TV, and the Internet, and even satellite communications! The tour guide conducts excursions. Such a small island of prosperity! =) even wild animals met at the base (chipmunks, squirrels, even ermine)! During the construction of the base, not a single tree, not a single century-old cedar was cut down, all the materials were brought in by helicopters! And most importantly, the camp site is located a 5-minute walk from the mineral springs.
Personally, I am not a fan of mineral water, I fly to Shumak, in simple terms, to relax and enjoy the world around =) but people mainly come here for health, for Shumak water. Here they take radon baths, mud baths, drink some water. They say that you need to try water from all sources, and only then be treated and improve your health with the water that you like! For me, spring number 6 turned out to be the most delicious water. What kind of spring is it, what is being treated with it, you will find out upon arrival at Shumak =) As for radon baths, there are contraindications. They can not be taken by pregnant women, patients with a cardiovascular system, oncology. It is advised to take 1 time per day for 10 minutes / session, without immersing the heart area in water. Personally, I immersed myself completely, only leaving my head on the surface =) the skin after procedures with radon becomes like a baby's! =)
Just think about it, thousands of people come to Shumak every year. Many of them live on Shumak all summer (so to speak, "season") and not at the camp site, but in winter quarters! How many interesting and amazing stories of healing and recovery you can hear on Shumak. I spoke with a man who overcame cancer! It's a pity I can't say how much time it took him to spend on Shumak. He said that he drank water from a radon spring. He drank so much that there was no free space in the stomach. And lo and behold, having arrived in his hometown, he found out that the disease had receded. These are miracles! Who treats legs, who has skin diseases, who has diabetes.... there are many examples! One thing is clear: you need to visit here yourself, see everything with your own eyes and try it with your own lips =)
When is the best time to stay on Shumak? Everyone has it different. I really love autumn on Shumak. Firstly, silence reigns, there are very few tourists, mainly those who live at the camp site, who will fly back by helicopter. Hikers are a rarity already in autumn, because the mountain pass is “closed”, as they say, there is already high snow on the pass at this time. Secondly, you can enjoy the taiga gifts of Shumak in the form of cranberries, honeysuckle, pine nuts. And, thirdly, those who come to Shumak for health, for healing water, will not fail, because the water in the springs at this time is most useful, because it is not diluted with melted, groundwater.
In summer, Shumak is warm, cozy, noisy, but still hospitable. In summer, there are a lot of vacationers and those who are treated at Shumak. If you take a helicopter that flies to Shumak once a week, then it can fly in 4 times, fully loaded with people, that is, it brings 80 people. And how many more are on foot and on horseback! It happens that a queue forms for radon baths and mud, and there are always a lot of people at the springs.
In the spring, Shumak is also not crowded. Snow still lies (March-April), it seems that winter still reigns in these places. But the sun warms like spring =) In the spring, too, only tourists live at the base, there are no backpackers yet.
Well, in winter, what can I say, it's cold =) like everywhere else in Siberia =) but if you compare it with Irkutsk, then Shumak is several degrees warmer in winter than in the city. For example, in the winter on New Year's holidays in 2009-2010. I was on Shumak. And so, in Irkutsk, the temperature was -40 for a couple of days, and on Shumak -30 =) so, if you need to spend the winter frosts, go to the mountains =) well, in general, the springs do not freeze all year round, even in winter all sources regularly beat out -under the ground!
I also want to focus on one amazing place, which is located 6 km from the sources. These are the sacred pillars of Huuhain-Khad (they are called "Mountain-Child"). Childless women come here to ask for children, leaving gifts as a gift to the Shumak spirits. When asking for a boy, they leave a toy like an airplane, a car, a gun. When asking for a girl, they leave a doll, hairpins, earrings, etc. as a gift. They say you can see your future here!
For all the time I was on Shumak, not a single bad thought visited me, I only think about the good and high =) So my advice to you: fly / come to Shumak. Where you will live here - does not matter! Love comfort and coziness, then you are on the way to the camp site, well, and if you are not afraid of either thunderstorms, or wind, or lack of earthly blessings, then you can stay in the winter hut and in your faithful tent.