Great holidays in Prague

Hello, dear readers of my opus. So, a little over a month passed and I got to the keyboard. I rode with my wife in Sochi, which I want to talk about. Unlike abroad, I was struck by 2 facts:
1. Palm trees grow along with the usual coniferous and deciduous representatives of the forest fund - the essence of the subtropical climate where a huge number of plants collected from different parts of the world grow (All in the Sochi Arboretum)
2. Roads really strive for European quality, although... and remain the same as everywhere else in Russia, you just have to move off these highways into the outback, that is, into ordinary lanes and streets.
In general, I liked our approach to Europe, in terms of the cleanliness of the city and civilized transport, related both to traffic lights with voice notification about the beginning and end of the street crossing, and to buses with voice notification about stops in our native and in international languages.
The appearance of the city has also changed a lot, which has changed after the Olympics, which greatly affected the earnings of local citizens. The view of the city has become more majestic, but for citizens who already had nothing to do except the tourism business, now large companies, attracted by long-term investments, have completely cut off the oxygen by building huge hotels offering apartments from reasonable to heavenly prices per night. Fortunately, we lived with relatives for all 10 days of rest and thus were able to meet 70 thousand rubles !!! ! without paying for accommodation in this Marvelous (I'm not afraid to name it with a capital letter) city.
There really is something to see, but the biggest impression on me was the Yew-Boxwood Grove, which is located between Adler and Sochi in Khost - if you go, be sure to take the BIG circle of 4 km! ! The places are fabulous!! ! Just wear comfortable shoes (sneakers), otherwise you can throw the rest of your vacation down the drain, that is, wipe your legs to....grounds))).
I also recommend going to the largest oceanarium in Russia, located in Adler. If you go on a day off of the oceanarium (Mon, Tue), then when recruiting the same ignorant about the weekend from 8 people, you will be let inside and, according to the fee, you will walk in peace and quiet, without the hustle and screams of the kids.
I also liked Krasnaya Polyana, the village of Rosa Khutor and the ascent to the highest point above sea level - Rosa Peak (2320 m above sea level). The price is 1100 rubles per person, but it's worth it. Just choose sunny weather, unfortunately we couldn't see the sea because of the clouds. but the view of the mountains is amazing in any weather)))
And the last place that delighted me was Mount Akhun, and directly, the Ferris wheel located on this mountain. The panoramic view is indescribable. Take your time and 250 r. for the rise, just stock up on a good camera, preferably a "SLR"
Also interesting places to see are the Sochi Arboretum, Riviera Park, the embankments of Sochi and Adler, as well as the Olympic Park.
What I didn’t like in Sochi: the lack of service - I explain - we left three cafes after sitting for about 20 minutes (three of us). The waiters did not even come to us, when the cafe was busy with 5-6 people !!! ! And everyone looked as if the season was already ending (they rested in April-early May) and they had no strength left for anything....In general, we just got up and left... in the airport cafe on departure, something happened same situation. Conclusion: THERE IS NO SERVICE IN SOCHI. something like this. . .
And the MOST DELICIOUS AND ADEQUATE ESTABLISHMENT turned out to be on the embankment of Sochi and it is called the STARGOROD brewery, the staff is wonderful there - smart and adequate, and live music, and recipes are is brewed in the pub itself and is served directly from basement for all those who suffer))) also a boar knee is being prepared there according to the technology of the Czech Republic and in particular Prague. Chef from the Czech Republic (they write in booklets) with 20 years of experience... and there are only 3 such establishments - in Riga, St. Petersburg and Sochi. In general, one continuous advertisement turns out (((but you go and you will understand everything yourself... We really liked it))) The best drinking and snack-relaxation (view of the sea, the sound of the surf and sunset... ) institution. Plus, the prices, if not democratic, then quite adequate..... in any case, after a snack in Krasnaya Polyana....