There can only be MOUNTAINS better than mountains!!!!

Written: 12 november 2007
Travel time: 13 — 20 february 2007
Your rating of this hotel:
from 10
Hotel ratings by criteria:
A good hotel by "Soviet" standards: spacious (just roll) accommodation, amenities with an attempt at EURO, in the room there is a desire to bring guests closer to the bosoms of nature - partially upholstered with clapboard, in the evenings - only a small tennis court, half-adult billiards evening film show - horror films about the "severity" of the mountains, after which the faint of heart completely loses the desire to leave the hotel, especially when they dug up the "pass" to Elbrus for 3 days. Not a bad bath, it is desirable to recruit 6-10 people, but there are better ones in the area. However, it is cozy and calm at home. There is a bar with "ridiculous" by Moscow standards prices and friendly staff.
Location - no, everything cuts off: to any resort only SKIbus! Either he didn’t get there, then he didn’t agree on a time, then everyone didn’t fit in, then he wanted to ride longer. The result is 50% of the movement by taxi, since there are no problems. You can endure if you diversify the skiing of Elbrus / Cheget. But our team on Elbrus only marked itself... We want to try to "catch" closer to the "place of events" - guest. Cheget, and they speak more cheerfully... The general impression even after the European "spoiltness" is an absolutely working option. Forward, LORD!!!!
I'll try to upload pictures later
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