Very dirty and run down

Written: 28 july 2010
Travel time: 1 — 7 july 2010
Your rating of this hotel:
from 10
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Apparently, the Atlas Park Hotel has already experienced its best times. In any case, the lake has turned into a blooming puddle, no one is following the Rozhika River - dirty and blooming. You should not be deceived by the photographs on the site atlas-hotel. ru - everything is licked there, and my husband and I were seduced by them. In reality, the opposite is true. Incredibly dirty territory, the balconies in the rooms have not been washed since the day of construction, probably. The promised beach on the river bank is absent, and has always been absent - this is a wooden pier, converted into a beach, by erecting a fence near the water. No one follows the order in the hotel - a drunken hubbub under the windows in the middle of the night is a common thing. For food, my husband went to Moscow - it is impossible to eat the food offered at the hotel. The hotel administration is very fond of the song about "yogurts-huyogurts" - it plays constantly and, it seems, from all the speakers. It is impossible to relax with children - there are simply no rails for strollers on most stairs, and there is no elevator at all. Therefore, it is not clear what kind of family vacation they are talking about. You can go and see for yourself. But I do not advise. For the same money you can relax much better.
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