A few pluses

Written: 24 november 2008
Travel time: 1 — 14 september 2008
Who does the author recommend the hotel to?: For families with children
Your rating of this hotel:
from 10
Hotel ratings by criteria:
Rooms: 10.0
Service: 9.0
Cleanliness: 9.0
Food: 9.0
Amenities: 9.0
As you know, the theater begins with a hanger, and rest from the road!
I arrived at the rest home just fine, I didn’t suffer from heat and stuffiness, standing in a traffic jam, which means autumn weather. This is already a plus.
I didn’t even think that the Moscow region in the autumn is like that..... it’s just breathtaking!
At the reception, I was greeted by lovely friendly girls, quickly issued,
and escorted to the building, I rested in building No. 2, suite. The number really impressed me!
I did not expect such comfortable living conditions in the suburbs!! ! This is the same plus!
I just fell in love with the neighborhood: a pine forest filled with fresh autumn air, trees dressed in gold and bronze, the rustle of leaves underfoot..... This is what I needed a quiet, calm place where I could escape from the daily bustle of Moscow, and experience real freedom! Another BIG plus.

Every time I caught myself thinking that I don’t understand mushrooms and berries... great places to collect the last gifts of nature and you can even go fishing, but alas, I don’t... This is the same plus.
And what pleasure I got from riding and from artiodactyl four-legged friends... It cannot be expressed in words..... It must be felt! Huge huge plus!
In the evening, they didn’t let me get bored either, a very rich program of events, believe me
I have something to compare! This is a plus.
…. What a pity the weekend is so short!
Now I know exactly what a suburban vacation is!!!!
Many thanks to the VKS-COUNTRY staff.
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