Peter! Impressions are mixed ...

26 June 2011 Travel time: with 20 June 2011 on 25 June 2011
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We went to St. Petersburg by train. Everyone was afraid that it was tiring and a nightmare, but the trip was successful. Good cars, polite conductors. Cons: there are no sockets in the car and there is no restaurant car. in the morning, at the press kiosk we bought a map of the city (60 rubles) and went by metro (25 rubles) to the hotel. We found everything easily. 100 rubles) and returned somewhere in a couple of hours. A few words about the hotel: it is called St. Petersburg (Russian 3 *), located on the Vyborg side (15 minutes walk from the Peter and Paul Fortress and 4 metro stops from Nevsky Prospekt - this is the center, where are all the main sights), the room is small, with Soviet-era furniture and the same renovation, but clean. Cleaned every day, changed towels and took out the trash. You can not take a boiler with you : ), there are coolers with hot and cold water in the corridor. Breakfast - buffet, not like that variety, as in Europe, but satisfying. Eat without problems!: )

I was very impressed by the trip to Peterhof. I advise you to go to the grottoes under the fountains (the excursion itself is not so interesting, how beautiful the views for review and photos are when you go out to the platform from the grottoes! ) A magnificent park, I would walk there and walk (but there is not enough time).

Tsarskoye Selo does not have such a magnificent park, but the Catherine Palace overshadows everything with its size and grandeur and beauty!

Go to the Hermitage for an overview, but there was no enthusiasm for the museum (in Kyiv, all this is in the Russian Museum and the Museum of Western Art). More enthusiastic emotions from the Winter Palace, as the residence of the kings! Go to the diamond and gold treasuries! For this you need stand in a separate line in the morning and buy tickets, but there you will definitely get impressions.

Take a night tour "Bridge Raising" (it doesn't matter by land or water. You will get impressions for a lifetime! )

Translated automatically from Russian. View original
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