Interesting and informative tour

28 October 2019 Travel time: with 26 October 2019 on 26 October 2019
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While my memories are fresh, I want to share my impressions of an individual excursion on 26.10. 2019 "City of Yegoryevsk and Old Believer Palestine" with a golden guide Vladimirov Sergey Nikolaevich. The most interesting Excursion was chosen by the "Travel Store", for which many thanks to him! Egorievsk is not far from Moscow, there are ten of us women. The road with Sergei Nikolaevich flew by unnoticed, an interesting narrator, historian, Old Believer, you will listen, he tells easily, everything is based on life examples, not according to what is written, the whole group participates in the conversation. We visited three Old Believer churches, very old, but preserved by local residents, they were opened for us and the priest told the story of this parish. The weather made us happy too. Then we got acquainted with the city of Yegorievsk. The Historical and Art Museum is a separate praise, we also got to the exhibition of dolls, the sea of ​ ​ ​ ​ impressions. Further, our route to the Church of St. George the Victorious, Alexander Nevsky Cathedral and at the end of the Trinity-Mariinsky Monastery, which pleased us with autumn silence and a huge number of blooming roses for our memorable photos. Yes, I forgot, a full meal at the Schwartz Kaiser restaurant. The day off was spent with benefit, in a good mood and learned a lot of useful interesting things, because I personally knew little about the Old Believer temples and churches and this part of our history. Many thanks to the "Travel Store. Best regards, Elena Ryumina. I'm going through life with you.

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