Horror, filth, stench, deceit, rudeness

Written: 19 july 2014
Travel time: 25 june — 16 july 2014
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I lived with my granddaughter for 4 years at the recreation center "Kalina Krasnaya" at the address: Anapa, Dzhemete, Pionersky Prospekt, 81B from 06/25/2014 to 07/16/2014. The owner of the above recreation center is IP Kalaichieva Lyubov Yuryevna The manager (administrator) is her husband, unfortunately I don’t know my full name.
I found the following violations:
1. The administration of the recreation center "Kalina Krasnaya", represented by Kalaichieva L. Yu. and her husband (manager) refused to give me a document (receipt) on payment for accommodation immediately after I gave the money (the entire amount immediately for 21 days of residence). They said that if you suddenly need it, they will give it at the end of your stay. I received the Receipt-agreement only on 07/16/2014 on the day of departure, and then I had to beg.

2. The “house with conveniences in the yard” rented by us (room 35.1) did not meet any sanitary standards. The interior walls of the living quarters are lined with outdoor plastic clapboard, which emits hazardous chemical fumes while the room is completely devoid of ventilation. The room can not even be ventilated, there are not even window openings. When we began to suffocate from stuffiness and heat, the Administration offered us a fan for 50 rubles. per day. In other houses where air conditioners are installed, they do not work. I constantly had a headache, the child developed an allergic cough.
3. The area of ​ ​ the room we rented for two was 6 sq. m. The minimum housing sanitary norm should be at least 6 square meters per person. Two beds close to each other and 30 cm between them.
4. Mosquitoes fly in flocks from under the floor skirting boards - carriers of infection and disease. The child was simply plastered with them. We didn't sleep the whole first night. No means helped. At one in the morning I called the Manager, who brought another bottle of dichlorvos, sprayed it, and forbade turning on the light. We spent the whole night with the child on a bench in the yard.
5. The mattresses on the beds are old. The springs just dig into the body. It is impossible to sleep on them. To our complaints, the same Manager (the husband of the hostess) replied that he himself was sleeping on the boards, and there was nothing to complain about. !!!!
6. There was a sewer well next to our house, which 24 hours a day exuded a stench for 20 meters around it.
7. In the center of the territory of the camp site there is a "Fountain". The administration warns that the water in it is technical. The fountain is turned on only in the evening, and the water in it stays all day, it is green with mucus. Small children drink this water from straws, catch “fish” in it. This building and the water in it is a breeding ground for mosquitoes and other infections and contagions. It is not cleaned, the water in it is not changed.
8. The garbage container is constantly full and exudes a stench. Garbage is taken out very rarely. The smell of rot and landfill is constantly at the recreation center.
9. The entire territory of the recreation center is crammed with cars that are constantly moving and revving.
10. On the Internet, the owners of the recreation center give the following false information:

1. "there is a kitchen for self-cooking" - this "kitchen" is four electric burners for 60 vacationing families. In the "kitchen" there are constant queues of hungry vacationers. Dishes are not provided. The manager says: buy your own or eat in a canteen or cafe. "Kitchen" closes at 20.00, and on the site it works "ROUND THE CLOCK". The kitchen doesn't even have a trash can. DO NOT boil water for tea in the kitchen. To do this, there is a kettle, costing 50 rubles / day. The manager kicked me out of the kitchen when I wanted to boil water for the child, almost threw a pot of boiling water at me. Shouted all over the kitchen - "If you don't like it - move out! " And where to move out, if the money has already been paid in advance, he did not give receipts, and there are no places already in other places, because it is already the season.
2. "round the clock hot and cold water" - only one of the three showers works, there is no water pressure in it, after 19.00 there is not even warm, but running water.
3. The refrigerator is placed for two families, but the Manager says: use it as little as possible!
4. On weekends, this same Manager (the husband of the hostess) starts companies of young people who drink vodka in the yard, smoke, so that it is impossible to breathe from the smoke, yell, and all this all night until 4 o'clock in the morning. Families with children do not know what to do, who to complain to. They complain to the same Manager, and he says again: "DO NOT LIKE - MOVE OUT. "

As a result of all this arbitrariness, we got a spoiled vacation, my little granddaughter ended up in the hospital with poisoning. The owner (aka the manager) feels impunity, the local policeman is inactive, the owner mocks the vacationers who pay him money, threats are constantly heard from him about being kicked out of the recreation center.
Translated automatically from Russian. View original