Alye Parusa 2*– Reviews

Rating 6.010
based on
1 reviews
5.0 Rooms
8.0 Service
8.0 Cleanliness
8.0 Food
8.0 Amenities
A small private three-story boarding house is located 150 meters from the sea in the cozy Nizhne-Imeretinskaya Bay. Here is the most ecologically clean place in Adler and the widest beach strip (small pebbles). This is the perfect place for a quiet getaway. On the territory there are: sale of telephone cards for long-distance calls (telephone 50 m from the hotel), soft and alcoholic drinks, essential goods, fresh cow's milk, organization of transfers, excursions.More →
аватар waparova
 •  traveled 18 years ago
Rating 6.0
We rested in August 2007. Good: - a wide beach strip, clear sea, cannot be compared with the center of Sochi; - quiet place. Bad: - the rooms are terribly small, the window was broken twice just bypassing the bed. It feels like they were tuned into each other; - the stuffiness is terrible, if you open the window, then it is tolerable, even the fans do not save; - noisy, the owner's dog barks at cats and any passers-by all night long, they don't help to pacify the request. … More ▾ We rested in August 2007.
- a wide beach strip, clear sea, cannot be compared with the center of Sochi;
- quiet place.
- the rooms are terribly small, the window was broken twice just bypassing the bed. It feels like they were tuned into each other;
- the stuffiness is terrible, if you open the window, then it is tolerable, even the fans do not save;
- noisy, the owner's dog barks at cats and any passers-by all night long, they don't help to pacify the request. The dog does not even bark, but howls all night long, I want to put him to sleep! It is impossible to close the window, again it is stuffy.
- at 7-8 in the morning, children begin to scream, parents do not try to explain to them that this cannot be done;
- because of the water heater, it is also very hot, and if you turn it off, there will be no hot water;
- far from the center, minibuses run only until 21, there is nothing to return in the evening, taxis are very expensive;
- there is nowhere to rest, only a couple of barbecues.
P. S. The entire library is represented by one locker in the dining room.
Номер с удобствами Душь Пляж

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Небольшой частный трехэтажный пансионат расположен в 150 м от моря в уютной Нижне-Имеретинской бухте. Здесь - самое экологически чистое место в Адлере и самая широкая пляжная полоса (мелкая галька).

Это - идеальное место для тихого отдыха. На территории имеются: продажа телефонных карт для междугородных переговоров (телефон в 50 м от гостиницы), безалкогольных и алкогольных напитков, товаров первой необходимости, свежего коровьего молока, организация трансферов, заказ экскурсий.

Location До а/п и ж/д вокзала Адлера - всего 15 км.
Description of the beach Пляж в 150 м от гостиницы, прокат "бананов", "лягушек", гидровелосипедов, прогулки на катерах и лодках.
In a hotel

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  • магазин (продукты)
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