The mausoleum is located in a large park of a deserted sanatorium on the site of the
estate of the Podolsk governor Sveikovsky, closer to the center of the village of Pechera. The park was founded in 1682, the mausoleum-tomb of the Potocki-Sveikovsky counts (1904), built in the neo-Romanesque style according to the project of V. Gorodetsky, is an impressive and elegant building in the form of a church.
Gorodetsky skillfully combined the architectural styles of the past with the latest materials. Many were brought from abroad. First-class tiles, multicolored Falconier glass blocks, heavy doors with stylized hinges, even the nail heads are patterned. A feature familiar from the Kiev works of Gorodetsky is that both stone and concrete details are processed with a chisel by the sculptor Elia Sal or his students. And an attentive visitor will also find in the decor a small “autograph” of Gorodetsky - a cement gargoyle.
The mausoleum in Pechera is one of the best creations of Gorodetsky. In Soviet times, there was a club here, and now the mausoleum is used as a church.